---Millions of cubicle dwellers across the country helped set records
for Internet traffic on Tuesday as they watched online video of the
inauguration ceremonies — or at least tried to. The overwhelming
demand meant that some Web sites and data networks had trouble keeping
up, forcing many people to turn to less cutting-edge forms of media...

Data from CNN.com captured the uniqueness of the online surge. CNN
said it provided more than 21.3 million video streams over a nine-hour
span up to midafternoon. That blew past the 5.3 million streams
provided during all of Election Day. At its peak, CNN.com fed 1.3
million live streams simultaneously, according to Jennifer Martin, a
spokeswoman for the site. 

Akamai, which helps companies meet demand for their online offerings,
worked with media companies like The New York Times, The Wall Street
Journal and Viacom to stream live video. It reported a record-breaking
day, feeding up seven million video streams at one time...

"We built capacity for CNN.com Live to handle well above and beyond
what was, to our knowledge, the most-viewed live video event in
Internet history," Ms. Martin said.

~Full article: 

[NOTE: I was able to watch the whole thing here in Brazil either
online or on CNN International on TV. I stuck with online because
there was a choice between four different screened events.]

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