American Values - 

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I'm very worried about Eric Holder, Obama's pick for attorney general.
Last week, during his confirmation hearing, he did something that sent
shivers down my spine--he called torture, "torture."

I'm not the only one who was rattled by that. The current AG, Michael
Mukasey, worries that once you start calling torture, "torture," you
create the possibility that torturers will be prosecuted for it.

He's right, but it's even worse than he thinks. You see, it's a
slippery slope. Once you call torture, "torture," and start
prosecuting torturers, what's to stop you from calling rape, "rape,"
and murder, "murder" and prosecuting rapists and murderers. Before
long, a good chunk of Pentagon's command structure and its associated
contractors could be under indictment. Heck, after that, there'd be no
one left to bring democracy and freedom to the country's we bomb.

And that's just a part of the problem. Prosecuting torturers and
rapists would also wreak havoc on our fundraising and legislative efforts.

So get on the phone and call your Senators. We have to stop Holder
before he forces Justice to pursue justice.

~Posted by Gen. JC Christian, Patriot at:

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