        I am the eternal <l.shad...@...> wrote:

     "A bit too much information here."
     "Mean spirited over disclosure, IMO."

If you don't want to hear it then don't listen. 
If you don't want to see then don't watch.
If you don't want to know then ignore.

However, if you want to accuse someone of bad intent
then it surely must be so. But just for us TMO
losers please demonstrate your ritam prajna here
on FFL. Start with some detailed but measurable
predictions of significant future events. As the
eternal it should be simple stuff.

On the other hand, if you are the mountain daimon
shadai el chai who is once again inhabiting a human
body then please show us something better than
that old-fashioned racial genocide. Show us some of
your ashta-maha-siddhis.

Maybe not? Then how about just going back to your
TMO obergruppenfuehrer and let him know we are indeed
unrepentant transgressors.

Better yet, inform him that there is more to come. 
Now there's a measurable prediction for you.

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