--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> If you played poker in the astral with your buddies, and they all 
> said the next day that they had had the same experience and 
> considered it true to say "we were actually in each other's 
> presense, actually had really experiences, actually could map point 
> for point our get-together," then I say, you're making a statement 
> about laws of physics of the real world, and it's simply too 
> powerful a statement to go unchallenged, since it represents a 
> siddhi of immense worth to the real world.  

What's the "worth?" We were in a DREAM, dude? :-)

It was DREAM poker. Yes, we all laughed about it
IN the dream, and the next day, OUT of the dream,
comparing notes, but that has no "worth." 

You can "challenge" it all you want. I can laugh
at your challenge -- and at you -- all I want. 
Now THAT is "real world."  :-)

> I suspect you'd back off saying that the poker playing was an actual
> event and that all of the participants were merely "imagining up the
> scenario with a high degree of synchronicity" like that. If you are
> going to contend that the event really happened, then extraordinary
> claims require extraordinary proof.

*Of course* it "really happened." For *all* of us.
In a DREAM. 

Prove to me that the things that happened in *your*
dreams last night "really happened." I'll wait. :-)

> To me, the big tell about your report is that you feign an
> indifference to the truth that might be easily revealed by
> experimentation. Sure sounds like the TMO research attitude to me. 
> It's like you're saying, "Yeah, I astral travel for real, but the
> obvious advantages of such an ability don't interest me." 

First, Edg, you *really* need to learn the difference
between "astral travel" and going to different places
in dreams. What happens in dreams *happens in dreams*.
What I've heard about "astral travel" is usually 
initiated from the waking state and claims to have
"gone" to these place *in the waking state* and being
able to describe what's going on there in the waking
state, in "real time." I made no such claims. I "went" 
to places IN DREAMS and described what happened
there IN THE DREAMS. Apples and oranges. Don't be 
so fuckin' ignorant.

As for my "indifference," you DAMN BETCHA I am indif-
ferent. They were DREAMS, dude. The nature of dreams
is *subjective*. I don't CARE about your seemingly
psychotic need for "proof" about my DREAMS. Get a

If I were involved in trying to sell courses in lucid
dreaming, or if I were involved in trying to convince
you of anything or change your mind about anything,
you might have a reason to be so demanding of "proof."
I'm not. You're just going a little crazy, that's all.
We've all seen you do it before, and we'll see you
do it again. 

> As for your attitude of being indignant about my post...

I am NOT "indignant" at your post. I am LAUGHING 
at you, and trying to get you to laugh at yourself.

> ...well at least
> you're consistent and take everything I write about you in the worst
> possible way.  I find some interest in how well you're able to find
> yourself being wronged by me; it's a study of your denial and 
> meanness skills.  But I tire of it, dude, honest.  

I notice you have not admitted that pretty much 
everything you "wronged" me with was *made up*.
You don't seem all that "tired" to me. :-)

You are being LAUGHABLE, Edg. You're cuckoo, over
the top, several cans short of a six-pack. I'm
just trying to point that out so you'll lighten
up and learn to *notice* when you go crazy like

> In this day of Obamaficational good intentions, maybe your can mood 
> make yourself to a higher intention to speak the sweet truth.  

The "sweet truth" is that your outrage exists only
in your own head. You know, like the outrage you
spouted for months about me being a "predator"
existed only in your own head. 

YOU MAKE SHIT UP, EDG. And then you get *outraged*
about the shit you make up. 

I'm just trying to help you realize this, so you
won't come off as so much of a buffoon.

> I'm trying over here, honest.  Not that this post is a good 
> example of such, since you did prong me enough to get negative 
> on your ass.

Edg, the ONLY thing I did to "prong" you was to
write honestly about my personal experiences.

Your decision to "go negative" was based entirely
on your own overreaction to hearing those exper-
iences. I wasn't trying to sell you anything; I
wasn't trying to convince you of anything. You
decided to go crazy ALL ON YOUR OWN.

> So fuck your attitude and fuck you for bashing me gratuitously 
> when I'm trying to make nice here and simply have an exchange 
> of some worth with you. 

Poor, poor, victimized Edg. You bash the shit out
of me, over stuff that EXISTS ONLY IN YOUR HEAD,
and you portray that as "making nice."

You're not only a little crazy, Edg, you are 
hypocritically crazy. Learn to laugh at yourself,
dude. Everyone else is. You'll feel better if you
join in with the laughter.

> Seems you're still smarting from my many attacks on you for
> preying on young women. Still feeling ashamed are you?

See what I mean? All these months later, and you
*still* can't admit that you made that up in your
head. Pretty much everyone on this group told you
so, but you still believe it. That's why I'm saying
you're crazy. Lovably crazy, in an irascible, laugh-
able sort of way, but crazy. As a loon.

> I smacked Curtis around for the same immorality, but he and I 
> are able to get along well enough on other topics.  Your 
> consistency of presenting this disdain to me reveals that 
> your small-on-purpose mind is being hobgoblined.

Edg, I am "presenting disdain" to you because I 
*HAVE* disdain for you. When you get this way, I 
find you laughable. You're just "going off" like 
this because you can't take being laughed at.

My suggestion to you is if you find being laughed
at so painful that it makes you crazy, fer fuck's 

I merely presented some stories and asked for other
people's stories. That is ALL that I did.


Them's the facts. If you realize them, maybe you 
won't go so crazy in the future...

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