--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> Don't you get sick of being bombarded by woman's sexuality day and
> night?

I can't relate to this at all. What are the options?  This is life. 
And they get "bombarded" with masculinity. But the truth is that no
one is bombarding you with anything.  You are choosing this attention.

 From high school on up to mature adulthood woman are
> constantly flaunting their sexuality

"flaunting"? WTF, they are women.  They aren't ashamed of being
attractive.  I can't believe you are missing your obvious projection
onto them.  From what you have written, I can be pretty sure they are
doing it for YOUR attention.  Maybe they feel best when they look this
way.  Most of these are much younger women finding their way in the
world right?  Use that old age of yours to summon up a bit of
compassion for the younger generation gramps.  They are learning all
the tricks in the game of life.  Just because you have dropped out of
the dance doesn't mean everyone else has.  I am tickled to notice when
younger people are feeling their oats.  Good for them.  They still
have some!  

< and vanity>

Now you have fallen out of "prudish old man" to "scary old man."  
Vanity?  What textbook are you taking this lesson plan out of?  Being
happy about how good you look is a valuable aspect of self esteem. 
And that appropriately includes being sexually attractive to the
opposite sex.  You want the world to stop spinning because you are
choosing to be unpleasantly judgmental about someone else's choices
that are NONE of your business?  Are you the Church Lady?

< for men AND other> woman.

Are you afraid the women might want to kiss each other?  Be honest.

< It's as bad (or worse) as men ogling them constantly. > 

It sounds like that is what you are doing.  And again with the weird
spin: ogling?  Noticing someone is attractive is wrong?

Commercials, dress, movies, internet, and on and on and on!  Grow up!

And become a sour old puss like you?  Not a chance.  And you know what
those young women and men who are learning how to express their
sexuality and project it into the world ARE going to do?  Grow up.  It
is inevitable.  Some of them will become wizened, sour old prunes and
some will have a sparkle in their eye that will communicate to the
opposite sex, "Isn't life wonderful, I find you attractive."  

But not with you, oh no.  You are afraid of them "ogling" you!

I just played a gig at a nursing home and I got major ogled.  With my
gray streaks in my hair I was a young chicken to these ladies, and
when I sang my blues full of innuendo and life, their eyes sparkled as
they caught mine.  We saw the spark of attraction in each other,
knowing the days of "flaunting" it were over.  But for a moment they
felt the electric charge of opposites attracting, one of the most
precious,beautiful feelings in life.  

Your impoverished view of sexuality diminishes your life.  You are
like a person who only sees food as harmful. I'll just bet you have
the kitchen cupboard of a fasting nun. If I had you over for dinner
you would spend the whole time in horror at all the "bad" foods I was

You have twisted sensuality to always mean sexuality, like so many
religious fanatics.  Put the women in Burkas so they can't "tempt"
men!  Circumcise them so they don't feel sexual pleasure or they will
go wild and have sex with everyone.  Women are evil temptresses with
their flowing hair and their apples form the Garden of Eden and poor
Billy resents their ability to pitch his tent against his will!  

You really are living in the wrong society or century. 

Tomorrow I'm gunna go out to the Home Depot and hope some lovely young
thing "bombards" me with her "vanity."  I should be so lucky!

What a fun rant Billy!  I can always count on you to set me off.  Thanks!

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