The news from India is that after all these decades of fund raising, building, 
and training 
of pandits, there is SO much left to be done.  Currently, 1,500 pandits in 
residence - but 
the goal is 48,000 at the Brahmasthan itself, and tens of thousands more to be 
throughout India.  

 Here's the deal: Girish, Harris, et al siphon monetary resources generated 
world-wide into 
India.  What is past is prologue. 

Raja Harris on another tape speaks of how the faithful will be drawn to live at 
Brahmasthan - and oh, how glorious life will be there - a sort of permanent 
I'm sure he means well, but here's a clue for him :  There are 8 billion people 
across this 
planet - your elitist, arent' we special attitude is OVER.

The secular TM technique is the only hope for the future.  It's past time to 
de-couple from 
the Indian TMO.       

--- In, "george_deforest" <george.defor...@...> 
> Vasant Pachami with the Vedic Pandits
>   [150]     10 February 2009
> Dear George,
> I am writing you from the Brahmasthan to let you know about some new
> content on our website and to share with you a few of our recent
> experiences here.
> First, we have put up several beautiful audio clips and a video clip of
> Maharishi speaking on the knowledge underlying the unique role of the
> Vedic Pandits in creating peace and harmony for the whole world.  These
> can be found on a new page
> <\
> UXFD&c=387898&admin=0&\
> _mmy.html>  of the website. Further presentations from Maharishi will be
> added in the near future.
>      [Pandit outside]    Younger Pandits in late afternoon training.
>   Second, Dr. Girish Chadra Varma has recorded a remarkable new video for
> the site.  To see it please click the link under the photograph of Dr.
> Varma on the home page.
> Click here for the home page.
> <\
> UXFD&c=387898&admin=0&\
> .html>
> When Arlene and I watched this for the first time we both felt that
> Girish had profoundly captured in his words and through new video
> footage the enormous scope, power, and sweetness which is the reality of
> this project  — and the vital importance of making it a reality as
> quickly as possible for the peace and prosperity of the whole world.   
> Please watch this video and send the link along to your friends. It is
> very important that as many people as possible hear this message now.
> (You can watch this video in full-screen mode by clicking the icon on
> the control bar at the bottom of the video window.)    We always
> appreciate your thoughts and comments about how we could make the
> website better and, most of all, your suggestions about how we can most
> effectively advance this project.
>   The Atmosphere at the Brahmasthan
> Our view of the main Pandit campus at Karaundi at sunset.
>   There is such a palpable environment of peace here at the Brahmasthan.
> Yesterday, along with Dr. Bevan Morris and a few others, we climbed one
> of the high forested hills to the north of the main Karaundi campus -
> which is also protected by similar hills on the west and south, and open
> to the east.  At the top, we looked back towards the buildings, and with
> the sun setting behind them in the west the whole campus was glowing.
> We all spontaneously smiled at this sight of what is rising at the heart
> of India to bless the whole world.  We are planning to arrange special
> tours of the Brahmasthan this coming fall for our dear donors so that
> they can experience it for themselves.   Vasant Panchami with the Vedic
> Pandits
> Maharishi Vedic Pandits performing the special recitation for Vasant
> Panchami.
>   On January 31st, there was a beautiful celebration of Vasant Panchami,
> the day in the Vedic calendar which celebrates the eternity and
> accessibility of total knowledge. Perhaps you saw it. At the conclusion,
> after the broadcast ended, as we were thanking the 12 Vedic Pandits who
> had been performing the traditional recitation, the 1,000+ Pandits
> gathered with us in the grand assembly hall rose as one and began a very
> moving, long and loud cheering for these Pandits.
>     They (and we) were clapping for those 12 but at the same time we were
> all applauding our happiness and good fortune that this sublime
> knowledge and experience was lively in the world. I am sure that all who
> had enjoyed this celebration were feeling the same, wherever around the
> world they had watched on the MOU channel.
> With all best wishes always,
> Jai Guru Dev
> Raja Harris, Arlene and Raj Rajeshwari Lauren Kaplan
>       P.S. If you were forwarded this newsletter, you can sign up to have
> future issues sent directly to you by clicking here
> <\
> UXFD&c=387898&admin=0&\
> act%2Fform.html> .
> This message was sent from Brahmananda Saraswati Trust to
> george.defor...@... It was sent from: Brahmananda Saraswati
> Trust, 1900 Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556. You can
> modify/update your subscription via the link below.          [Email
> Marketing Software]  <>
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