--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <fflmod@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Even sadder in a way to think about is 
> > > how much it says about the long-term 
> > > reality of TM (as opposed to its claims)
> > > when its two most compulsive defenders 
> > > on this forum are a man pretending to 
> > > be a woman...
> > >  
> > > I spend so little time now reading the posters
> > > that fall into the troll and nutbar category
> > > that I do not even know to which poster you are
> > > referring.
> > 
> > That's OK, he's lying, as usual. He's upset 
> > because a whole bunch of his other lies have
> > been exposed in the past couple of days, and
> > that always drives him to tell *more* lies
> > in an attempt to make himself feel better.
> > Talk about sad...
> Even sadder might be the "editor" who
> regularly posts here telling us what
> people really "mean" by the things they
> say (as she does above),

Um, no, didn't do that above.

 and "translating" 
> what they said into what she believes they 
> said,

What she believes is *behind* what they said.

 and who nonetheless claims to not be 
> able to tell who the poster in question 
> really is.

Um, no, don't believe I've done that.

> What does *that* say about "lying?"

What does *Barry* think that says about
"lying" when none of what he says above
is true?

> Could her defense of "her" new identity

Barry's gone off the deep end. Now *I*
have a "new identity"??

> have anything to do with the fact that
> 1) he/she's one of the only people left
> on this forum who interacts with her,

Or did he just get confused about who he
was referring to?

And he's lying about there being only a
few people here who interact with me.

See another post for documentation.
> and 2) that he/she's one of the few 
> remaining posters willing to play "pile 
> on" to her "Gotta demonize the people 
> who criticize TM...just gotta" games?

Barry means "criticize those who are
consistently dishonest and spend most
of their time demonizing other posters,
usually TMers."

> Or could it be mere incompetence on the
> part of a second-rate editor? 
> It's all relative, you see, and as 
> unknowable as the workings of karma. 
> When she claims that a poster is me 
> pretending to be someone else, that's 
> Truth,

Don't think I ever claimed that, but I'm
willing to be proved wrong.

 and OK. When someone suggests 
> the same of someone whom she perceives 
> to be on "her side" in her petty tyrant
> games, that's a Lie, and Not OK.

Nope, never suggested that Ruth lied about
thinking Tim Guy was Lawson.

> But by far the funniest thing in this
> exchange is the fact that gullible_fool
> may have wondered about which poster was
> a man pretending to be a woman, but he
> had *no problem* figuring out who the 
> poster was who no longer bothered to
> even pretend to be a human being.

Given that this was Barry's characterization,
that's hardly surprising.

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