--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptyb...@...> wrote:
> What a wonderful place – FFL.
> I have watched a number of posters attack conservatives with aplomb yet
> turn around and defend Islam from criticism with slack-jawed naiveté.
> They condemn Christians for their historical blindness and double
> standards - as if they were the first to notice. This is the type of
> shallow arrogance only a teenager could dismiss.Then they group together
> conservatives as slap-down straw dogs to self-pleasure their political
> bias. What amazing minds SCI has liberated.
> Historians have already castrated and gutted Christianity, so why bother
> pounding bare knuckles to the cheekbones of a desiccated corpse? Wake
> up. Many political-economic conservatives view religion like the Romans
> did – as a venue for personal faith with a touch of Civitas.
> What's left are the Semitised Fundamentalists, who in the end are
> ideological Royalists bowing to an arcane mountain god. Basically they
> just want their Apocalypse and they'll fight to the last Jew to get
> it.
> Surrounding them are hordes of suburbanites who now worship Modernity at
> church rather than the old Mammon. Even today they are packing the
> churches, but for what purpose do they go? When you talk with them the
> reality is stark. They go to church for the comfort of belief and to
> socialize their kids with moral antidotes to MTV.
> The Christian Platonists were once prominent as the only alternative
> wisdom tradition of the Western world. Unfortunately the few remaining
> Christian Platonists have spun away into irrelevance since they lack a
> methodology of direct experience, (an age-old, old-age problem).
> All three classes of worshipers (conservatives, fundamentalists and
> Platonists) are impotent anyway. Despite their condemnation of abortion
> and the historical judgments of Nuremberg, they still lack the personal
> courage to stop what they boldly declare to be mass murder.
> With opponents like these what do the Muslims have to worry about? And
> yes – you are by your very existence an enemy of Islam and your
> throats by definition will become a target for Jihad knives.
> Oh yah, by the way -
> In 1899, Winston Churchill looked over the temporal-horizon and gave
> this short speech:
>   "How dreadful are the curses which Islam lays onits votaries! Besides
> the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man asrabies in a dog,
> there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects areapparent in many
> countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems ofagriculture, sluggish
> methods of commerce, and insecurity of property existwherever the
> followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualitydeprives
> this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity
> andsanctity. The fact that in Islamic law every woman must belong to
> some man ashis absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a
> concubine, must delaythe final extinction of slavery until the faith of
> Islam has ceased to be agreat power among men. Individual Muslims may
> show splendid qualities, but theinfluence of the religion paralyses the
> social development of those who followit. No stronger retrograde force
> exists in the world. Far from being moribund,Islam is a militant and
> proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughoutCentral Africa,
> raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not
> thatChristianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science
> againstwhich it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe
> might fall, asfell the civilization of ancient Rome."
> Sir Winston Churchill; (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages
> 248-50)
Sir Winston certainly had mastery of the English language, didn't he?
Wonderful way of expressing himself; he certainly had the gift.

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