On Feb 18, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Richard M wrote:

And who else would you hold responsible for the
general attitude that led to Levi Butler's death
at MUM. The way the story was told in the press
(documentation), the MUM Dean who was supposed to
be watching the person who had just attacked another
student left him on his own rather than "miss program."
From whom did this person *get* this completely
inappropriate sense of priorities other than from
Maharishi? From whom did he get his obvious sense
that nothing bad could happen if he just meditated
as usual?

No, no, no. I don't buy into that line of thinking for a minute. I'm
surprised at you. Yes, on that account the dean WAS culpably
irresponsible. But nowhere whatsoever have I ever, ever, considered
MMY taught  - or as you would probably say *foistered* - an attitude
of "meditate* and sod your responsibilities".

Richard, that line of thinking was all over the place amongst
those who were TBs, and has, in the past, led to all sorts of trauma:
car accidents, neglected children, horrifically bad investments,
neglected  health...just to name a few.  And is, in fact,
one of the main reasons at least some of us no  longer
want to have anything to do with the TMO.  You don't
buy into it because you're a lot more
responsible than that.


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