--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal <l.shad...@...>
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 11:17 AM, do.rflex <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > C-SPAN released the results of its second Historians Survey of
> > Presidential Leadership, in which 65 presidential historians ranked
> > the 42 former occupants of the White House.
> >
> > Key findings: Abraham Lincoln received top billing among the
> > historians, George Washington placed second, while spots three through
> > five were held by Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, and Harry
> > Truman, in that order.
> How interesting that the president who did the most to destroy the
> form of government our founding fathers gave us, a republic and did
> the most to destroy the Bill of Rights and the rest of the US
> Constitution was voted as their top president.   2nd in line for
> destroying our form of government (like packing the Supreme Court) and
> destroying the Constitution was their 5th choice.  Actually, GW Bush
> is way down as an also ran compared to Lincoln and FDR.  He just
> bumbled his way while Lincoln and FDR destroyed with well honed plans.

Of course the historians who did the survey were silly willies and
will be delighted when 'I am the eternal' corrects their sadly
misguided conclusions.

And when 'I am the eternal' notifies them with the good news, I'm sure
he'll be motivated by the same criteria they used:

---Methodology C-SPAN's academic advisors devised a survey in which
participants used a one ("not effective") to ten ("very effective")
scale to rate each president on ten qualities of presidential leadership: 

"Public Persuasion," 

"Crisis Leadership," 

"Economic Management," 

"Moral Authority," 

"International Relations,

" "Administrative Skills," 

"Relations with Congress," 

"Vision/Setting An Agenda," 

"Pursued Equal Justice for All," and 

"Performance Within the Context of His Times."

Surveys were distributed to 147 historians and other professional
observers of the presidency, drawn from a database of C-SPAN's
programming, augmented by suggestions from the academic advisors. 

Sixty-five agreed to participate. 

Participants were guaranteed that individual survey results remain
confidential. Survey responses were tabulated by averaging all
responses in a given category for each president. 

Each of the ten categories was given equal weighting in the total scores. 


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