In the hush-hush world of Swiss banking, the unthinkable is happening:
secrets are spilling into the open. 

UBS, the largest bank in Switzerland, agreed on Wednesday to divulge
the names of well-heeled Americans whom the authorities suspect of
using offshore accounts at the bank to evade taxes. 

The bank admitted conspiring to defraud the Internal Revenue Service
and agreed to pay $780 million to settle a sweeping federal
investigation into its activities.

It is unclear how many of its clients' names UBS will divulge. Federal
prosecutors have been examining about 19,000 accounts at the bank, but
UBS ultimately may disclose the identities of only a few hundred

But to some, turning over any names at all heralds the end of the
secret Swiss bank account, whose traditions date to the Middle Ages.

"The Swiss are saying that this is the end of Swiss banking as they
knew it," said Jack Blum, an offshore tax specialist. "Nobody will
trust the security of the Swiss bank account."

As part of the settlement, UBS agreed to cooperate with a broad
summons issued by the Justice Department to turn over the names. Under
the terms of a so-called deferred prosecution agreement, the bank and
its executives could be indicted if UBS didn't identify the customers.

UBS has said it is closing the offshore accounts of its American
clients. But under the deal with the United States authorities, the
bank must provide periodic written evidence of that to prosecutors.
UBS earned $200 million annually from the business.

Prosecutors suspect that from late 2002 to 2007, UBS helped American
clients illegally hide $20 billion, letting them evade $300 million a
year in taxes.

In a striking admission, UBS said that from 2000 through 2007, some of
its private bankers and managers had "participated in a scheme to
defraud the United States" and the I.R.S. by helping American clients
set up and conceal offshore accounts. The scheme involved falsifying
or not properly obtaining or filing certain tax forms required of both
the bank and its clients.

UBS's offshore private banking business once employed some 60 private
bankers in Lugano, Zurich and Geneva. Prosecutors claimed UBS referred
clients to lawyers and accountants who set up secret offshore entities
to conceal assets from the I.R.S.

UBS urged some American clients to destroy records and to stash
watches, jewelry and artwork that they had bought with money hidden
offshore in safe deposit boxes in Switzerland. The bank also
encouraged them to use Swiss credit cards so the I.R.S. could not
track purchases. In a statement on Wednesday, Peter Kurer, the
chairman of UBS, said that "UBS sincerely regrets the compliance
failures in its U.S. cross-border business that have been identified
by the various government investigations in Switzerland and the U.S.,
as well as our own internal review. We accept full responsibility for
these improper activities."

Marcel Rohner, the group chief executive of UBS, said in a statement
that "it is apparent that as an organization we made mistakes and that
our control systems were inadequate."

In January a senior UBS executive, Raoul Weil, was declared a
fugitive, two months after being indicted by a federal judge in
connection with the investigation of the bank. Mr. Weil, a Swiss
citizen, oversaw the cross-border private banking operations from 2002
to 2007.

UBS had fiercely resisted turning over the names, even after some
executives were indicted and implicated in the offshore private
banking business. Swiss law distinguishes broadly between tax
avoidance, tax evasion and tax fraud. Unlike in the United States, tax
evasion is not a criminal offense under Swiss law.

The move by UBS to settle the case, on the eve of a Senate
subcommittee hearing next Tuesday on the matter, signals how close the
bank came to being indicted for not cooperating with prosecutors.
Indictment is a near-certain death knell for corporations.

Of the $780 million that UBS will pay, $380 million represents
disgorgement of profits from its cross-border business. The remainder
represents United States taxes that UBS failed to withhold on the
accounts. The figures include interest, penalties and restitution for
unpaid taxes

As part of the deal, UBS also entered into a consent order with the
Securities and Exchange Commission in which it agreed to charges of
having acted as an unregistered broker-dealer and investment adviser
for Americans.

The settlement caps a painful run for UBS, which suffered more than
$50 billion in losses in the collapse of the American mortgage market
and received a $60 billion bailout from the Swiss government last October.

The bank will not have to pay additional fines and penalties, which
could have brought the deal to more than $1 billion. People briefed on
the issue said the banking crisis and the recession were factors in
this decision by prosecutors.

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