The Joy Of Blogging
by John Cole

One of the real joys of blogging is the mail, and since Obama was
inaugurated, every single day I get spammed email from Clinton
supporters about "how all my whoring for Obama" paid off or something
to that effect, complete with a cut and paste of an entire Glenn
Greenwald post (I read him every day as it is, folks, so you can save
yourself the time) and a little note explaining to me that Obama's
human rights sins are worse than the Bush era and might even rival the
Khmer Rouge.

Seriously. Nowhere does it seem to occur to them that as Hillary is
working with Obama, there is no reason to think that were she
President things would be much different. Nor has it occurred to any
of them that the first few weeks of an administration is a touch early
to judge the record and overall direction.

The weirdest thing is these are allegedly lefties- but at no time
during the past eight years did I get the steady email trashing me for
voting for Bush. Just weird. The Clinton cult is a strange, strange thing.

~~ John Cole, former Republican

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