I saw Obama's press conference on TV today with Canadian Prime 
Minister Stephen Harper.  Curiously, towards the end of it, Obama 
thanked those Canadians that crossed the border to work on his 

Is that legal?

I'm a Canadian citizen living in the U.S. (and I do NOT have dual 
citizenship) who pays my taxes to the U.S. government and as far as I 
know I am not allowed to contribute monitarily to candidates or 
campaigns in the U.S. (I say this because every time I get a phone 
soliticitation during campaigns asking for money that as soon as I 
tell them I am a foreign national and not a U.S. citizen, it abruptly 
ends the call).  

I'm probably allowed to volunteer my time (stuffing envelopes, etc.) 
but I'm not even sure about that.  But are non-residents, non-
citizens allowed to do that?

'Cause if they aren't then Obama today thanked foreign visitors to 
the U.S. for participating in illegal activities (and before Bongo 
Brazil goes postal on me, hey, I'm just asking...I do NOT know the 

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