Posted by: "Kirk" 
=%20Re%3A%20To%20Randy%20or%20Kirk>   tripura_kirk 
<>   Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:16 am
Billy, I am liking your style.  I am yoni-whipped alright.
I like it that way.


You can thank yourself. I have read and enjoyed your posts, including
their stream-of-mind presentation. As a result I decided it would be ok
for me to loosen up a bit with my own posts. I don't really have a
style – that's for writers.

Please don't misunderstand my comments to you. When I said, "you
are a yoni, not a yogi" I wasn't specifically talking about your
personality or life circumstances. How could I? You and I have never
met, at least in this life. I get the scent of some past connection
though. Maybe last life we both cruised the Kafurstendamm searching for
middle- eastern types to beat up. However, in this life we have never
shared a bottle of fine whiskey while trading linked verses back and
forth. That means I can only speculate.

So many tasks to perform, so little time to teleport into the heart of
the sun.

My actual meaning was that we are all yonis, which is a shakta view. We
are non-denominational vaginas waiting to be filled by god's
logoi-spermatikoi or seminal raisons or eidetic intelligences or
whatever you want to call them. Why else would we go out of our way to
get shaktipat except that we realized that behind our bravado we are
like bridal virgins, no manner how brutalized we have been treated or
have ourselves become.

I used to think we were all mother fuckers – Plato's fallen
souls coupling with matter (materia-mater). Now I'm not so sure. It
is not a gender definition but a condition of self-recognition, even
destiny. I remember back in the good `ole days, before material
worlds manifested, when we circled through the cosmos with the gods and
took our rest at the celestial banquet as two fisted soma drinkers. Now
look at us – puny little jivas trapped in organic coffins, all the
while self-proclaiming our luscious independence. Not really a man among
us – just happens that some of us have dicks and therefore try to
declare, "I'm like Shiva."

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