--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > When someone is given (or in this case takes) a title,
> > as per the previous description by the Dalai Lama on
> > the qualifications of a teacher which flipped everyone
> > out so much,
> In fact, as Vaj knows, *nobody* was "flipped out" by
> the Dalai Lama's description, or disturbed by it in
> the slightest. Some of us were annoyed at the way Vaj
> tried to use it to dump on MMY.
> <snip>
> > One case and point
> ("case in point")
>  brought this home very clearly just recently.  
> > Someone had posted links to old lectures of MMY. One
> > was on mantra from the Rishikesh days. So I listened
> > to them to see how they were. And the guy had no idea
> > how to answer. Very nervous with much nervous laughter.
> Or, what Vaj is pleased to describe as nervousness.
>  MMY biographer Paul Mason later described it and I
> > thought how refreshing it was that someone else had
> > the exact same impression. Here I was expecting some
> > great explanations,
> How many here believe Vaj was "expecting some great
> explanations" from Maharishi?
> And how many think whatever MMY had said, Vaj would
> have found some way to trash it?
> My memory of this episode is that someone asked MMY
> whether he got the mantras from Guru Dev, and MMY
> laughed and said he didn't know what mantras Guru
> Dev used because they were given out privately. If
> that's what Vaj is referring to, he's seriously
> misrepresenting the exchange.
>  but not so. Of course  
> > I've already brought up the asana course thing--they
> > were written by a gym teacher.
> Here's how Vaj brought up what he calls the "asana
> course thing" before:
> "If M. was a yogi, he could have easily written a
> brilliant book [on hatha yoga] or even better a
> course with his sharp intellect. But this is clearly
> not the case. Instead they found a HS gym teacher
> to do so and those formed the sets used for rounding.
> I'm sure many here have the booklets (which now
> circulate in PDF form)."
> So Vaj knew, when he first mentioned it, that it
> wasn't a "course" at all, much less a book.  It was
> a few sheets with crude stick-figure-like drawings
> to serve as aides-memoirs of the postures (which
> were actually demonstrated by TM teachers to course
> participants).
> At the time, it was pointed out to Vaj that the asana
> sheets were never intended to be anything remotely
> like a "course" or "book" on hatha yoga, nor did
> they require any deep knowledge of it. It was
> something a gym teacher with some knowledge of very
> basic, simple yoga asanas *could* put together on
> his own and make the drawings for, most likely with
> guidance from MMY as to which postures to use. For
> this purpose, there was zero need for MMY to do any
> more than that.
> The point of the asanas in rounding, at least at the
> time they were introduced and for years after that
> (there may have been recent changes, for all I know)
> was simply to make for a bit of physical activity
> between meditations. There was no concern whatsoever
> about how meditators did them, just that they go
> approximately through the motions to move the body
> around some.
> Later, MMY *did* come out with an actual hatha yoga
> course, but that wasn't what the gym teacher Vaj is
> talking about helped with. Vaj is attempting to
> make readers think MMY had a highschool gym teacher
> create a whole course or book on hatha yoga, but that
> wasn't the case at all, as he knows.
>  These are very touchy things to even mention here  
> > (apparently)
> They're "touchy" because they're mostly bullshit.
> > --and will probably drive more hate mail
> Vaj's posts are a lot closer to "hate mail" than
> the posts that correct his many misstatements.

That's the word; hate mail !

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