--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <kirk_bernha...@...> wrote:
> "If we give the money to the widows, they will spend it unwisely 
> because they are uneducated and they don't know about budgeting. 
> But if we find her a husband, there will be a person in charge of 
> her and her children for the rest of their lives."
> MAZIN al-SHIHAN, director of a city agency in Baghdad, on his 
> plan to pay men to marry Iraqi war widows.

Not to play down the sexism and idiocy of
this idea, but to point out that Islam is
not the only entity that has "war widow
problems" and has developed curious "solu-
tions" to those problems, I present the 
history of that curious institution in 
France called the concierge.

If you've ever lived in Paris, you know
that pretty much every building has a con-
cierge -- someone who looks after distrib-
uting the mail and maintenance and stuff
like that -- and that the concierge is
almost always female. You also know that
they are *snoopy* as hell, and know every-
thing about you.

Well, a historian told me the "back story"
on this. It started with Napoleon. *His*
wars created so many "war widows" that he
had to find some way to take care of them.
So *he* instituted the tradition of each
building having a concierge, and he gave
those positions to the war widows.

But the "snoopy" part? That's the kicker.

All of the newly-created concierges were
expected to be Napoleon's spies, and to
keep his staff up-to-date on any secrets
or hanky-panky going on in the buildings
they managed. 

This tradition carries on to this day. 
The French police credit a high percentage
of their arrests to reports they have got-
ten from the concierges of the buildings
in which the perps lived. 

Go figure, eh?

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