Thank you my friend. Yeah they are all around ta, the wife, kids,
grandchildren and their kids, et al.  I am looking forward to going.
"If it is true".  Well, yeah so they say. But we will not know
until it happens eh :- )  But we are all going to go anyway ain't we
:- )  So today, tomorrow, the next day, what the hell – done my bit
here so it matters not.

But yeah, for the very first time in my life (seventy years) I was real
rough throughout December last. They asked me to go to the docs but I
told them no, I never go to the docs. But they fixed up behind my back
and I got dragged there under false pretences :- )  He said I was dying
because I have been smoking since I was four :- )  I said we are all
dying son and I sure ain't packing up smoking – can you imagine
a game of chess and beer without a cigarette – no way.  So sod the
lot of them :- )  It sure beats hanging around until one is a cabbage,
and the old grey matter is working as good if not better than it has
ever done. So, no complaints, it was a fantastic life and one long ball.

Hope you guys enjoy it as much and for as long also.

Good Luck


--- In, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltabl...@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Dick Richardson"
> somerset_2@ wrote:
> > Hello, thought I would pop in for my last annual visit to this happy
> > hunting ground for good will and peace to all mankind. I shall be
> > kicking the bucket soon so I thought I would say cheerio.
> If that is true, happy trails Dick. I hope you have your loved ones
> close.
> So, a last
> > message from a weasoned world weary old fart…
> >
> >
> >
> > If a newbie came and told me that he or she was interested in
> > and seeking the realisation of the SELF, then my advice to them
would be
> > – DON'T. Just in case they find it.
> >
> >
> >
> > Or if they did get involved, and if they did happened to find it
> > is plainly very rare anyway) then my advice to them would be never
> > talk about it. But as we are best loved here for keeping it short
> > I will leave it at that.
> >
> >
> >
> > Keep off drugs, keep the wolves from your door and keep the woman in
> > your bed, and keep smiling.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dick.
> >

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