---But Avalokitesvara (Chenrezig) is a Yidam or "god-like" character; 
since Buddhists clearly worship A/C "as if" he were a god.
Avalokitesvara is also Enlightened, according to the Buddhist 
 These 2 facts combined refute "Buddhist Thought", for all practical 
purposes. (unless one might attempt to worm one's way out by saying 
Avalokitesvara is not a "god").  Sorry - no worms allowed!

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
<willy...@...> wrote:
> TurquoiseB wrote:
> > Even simpler answer: There is no God...
> > 
> Some 'Buddhist' materialist you turned out to be!
> Traditionally Buddhists throughout the Buddhist 
> world consider that the universe contains more 
> beings in it than are normally visible to humans. 
> Buddhists have no objection to the existence of 
> the Hindu Gods. 
> "Nevertheless, Buddhists can't take refuge in the 
> gods because the gods are not Buddha. That is, 
> they are not enlightened. All the Hindu gods, for 
> all their power, are not the final truth of things. 
> Power does not necessarily entail insight, and for 
> Buddhist the gods do not have the liberating insight. 
> But none of this entails that the gods do not exist 
> or that the gods cannot except a powerful influence 
> over our lives. Thus, the Buddhist has no problem 
> with the gods."
> References: 
> 'Buddhist Thought' 
> by Paul Williams 
> Routledge, 2000 
> 'Buddhism in Practice' 
> ed. Donald S. Lopez, Jr. 
> Princeton Readings in Religion, 1995

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