Yantra Yoga Beginning/Intermediate Course

Third Part of a Series of Courses to be taught 

Throughout 2009.

Taught by Paula Barry- Certified 2nd level Instructor

Saturday, March 7th

9am-noon, 3pm-6pm

 Cost- $40

This course is open to those who have, at one time, learned the Tsijong and 
Lungsang Preliminaries of Yantra Yoga, and have then gained some experience. We 
will continue to build on our knowledge of Yantra Yoga throughout the year both 
reviewing and perfecting what we have learned before, deepening knowledge as 
our capacity allows. 

In this course we will review the 9 Breathings to Exhale the Stale Air and the 
Eight Movements to Purify the Prana. We will then learn the Tsandul for 
Controlling the Channels, and begin/review learning the Pranayama and Movements 
of the First Series. Depending on the students' proficiency, and if time 
permits we can begin learning the second series of Yantras.

  Tsegyalgar East reserves the right to cancel courses based on low 
preregistration. A 25% down payment, reimbursed if there is a cancellation, is 
required to preregister. 

To register contact secret...@tsegyalgar.org or the office by phone at 

Tsegyalgar East Blue Gakyil

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