In Greek myth, the Fates weave human life, with Clotho, Lachesis and 
Atropos determining the length of life, like the telomeres of DNA  [www_latimes_com] 

Genetic clues to predicting life span

Inside chromosomes are telomeres that age as we age, and may serve as 
indicators of how long we'll live.

By Cathryn Delude Los Angeles Times
March 2, 2009 

Wrinkles may betray our age externally, but our cells divulge their 
age -- and chronicle life's toll -- at the tips of our chromosomes. 
These tips, called telomeres, may also foretell our risk of early 

Telomeres are the protective caps made of repetitive chunks of DNA 
that keep the rest of the gene-laden chromosome from disastrously 
unraveling. But they lose bits of themselves with each cell division, 
so over a lifetime, like a counter, telomeres shorten. Eventually, 
shortened telomeres send cells into senescence, a retirement-like 
state in which they no longer divide or remain active but do not die.

Senescent cells in our skin make us look withered; in our immune 
system, they make us susceptible to the diseases of aging such as 
heart disease, heart failure, diabetes and what's called a "failure 
to thrive."

Ultimately, if we could better understand the connections between 
telomeres and longer, healthier lives, we might know how to protect 
or enhance those chromosome tips. That might not require new drugs, 
but simply following what we already know about a healthy lifestyle.

Disease fighters

Most human studies on telomeres focus on white blood cells in the 
immune system, one of the few cell types in adults that produce an 
enzyme called telomerase. Telomerase maintains telomeres by adding 
back the DNA lost during cell division. Immune cells need telomerase 
so they can frequently divide and replenish themselves without losing 
their telomeres, said Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, a biologist at UC San 
Francisco and a co-discoverer of telomeres and telomerase. But with 
age, telomerase diminishes, so immune cell telomeres eventually 

One recent study published in the July 2008 Journal of 
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, an American Heart 
Assn. journal, found that, among 780 patients with stable heart 
disease, people with the shortest telomeres in their immune cells had 
twice the risk of death and heart failure after 4.4 years as patients 
with the longest telomeres. Those in the highest-risk group had 
telomeres half the length of those in the lowest-risk group.

"Since we adjusted for age, we know that the telomere length is 
telling us something more than chronological age," said Dr. Ramin 
Farzaneh-Far, a cardiologist at UC San Francisco who analyzed the 
data. "Hopefully it is measuring biological age."

In other words, the same factors that predispose us to chronic 
diseases and make us look old before our time may also make telomeres 
age -- shorten -- beyond their years. High levels of stress hormones, 
inflammation, insulin and blood sugar, as well as habits such as 
smoking, fatty diets, obesity and sedentary living are all linked to 
shorter telomeres and lower telomerase levels.

"It makes sense," said Dr. Judith Campisi, an expert on telomeres at 
the Buck Institute for Age Research in Novato, Calif., who was not 
involved in the study. "If you smoke, you're introducing oxidation 
into the bloodstream, and telomeres are more sensitive to oxidative 
stress than the rest of the genome, so they will shorten 
substantially. When you're stressed, your adrenal glands release 
stress hormones called glucocorticoids that tend to kill T-cells in 
the immune system. So more cells divide to replace them, and the more 
you drive cell proliferation, the more you wear down telomeres."

A new study appearing in the inaugural issue of Aging adds a new 
twist to the connection between lifestyle and telomere length. It 
went back to blood samples stored from 236 healthy 70- to 79-year-
olds for the National Institutes of Health-funded MacArthur Study of 
Successful Aging, led by UCLA researchers. The researchers measured 
the telomere length from patients' 1988 samples and from the same 
patients' 1991 samples and then tracked how many had died of 
cardiovascular disease. Men with the greatest rate of telomere 
shortening had three times the mortality rate. For women, change 
mattered less than baseline: There were 2.3 times more deaths among 
those starting out with the shortest telomeres.

"This study suggests that before people had the disease they had 
short telomeres," said Dr. Elissa Epel, an assistant professor of 
psychiatry at UC San Francisco who was involved in this and several 
other telomere studies. The telomere connection suggests that in some 
way, short telomeres may predispose people to heart disease.

"What's the link between blood cell telomeres and heart disease?" 
asked Blackburn, who collaborated on this study. "We think it's based 
on something that's been seen before. When the immune system gets 
older, it gets more inflammatory, and inflammatory responses have 
been clearly tied to cardiovascular disease. So the fact that we see 
an immune system that seems to be acting more aged, judging by its 
shorter telomere length, is a strong smoking gun. That might be 
what's underlying this cardiovascular disease risk."

What they show

Based on studies like these, some researchers think that telomere 
length could predict life span better than traditional measures.

"Cholesterol tests just tell you about your lipid profile, glucose 
tests just tell you about blood sugar, and C-reactive protein just 
tells you about inflammation," Epel said. "Telomere length is a more 
summative measure for multiple biochemical imbalances, a global 
marker of health status."

Dr. Robert Sapolsky, a neurology professor at the Stanford School of 
Medicine who was not involved in these studies, agrees. "Telomere 
measures are a good time-integrated marker of bad news, as opposed to 
those other factors being somewhat more acute." They 
indicate "systemic wear and tear."

But how broadly useful such a marker, which is still just a research 
tool, would be is unclear -- because no one knows whether telomere 
length in immune cells reflects those in other tissues. So while 
blood cells can provide relevant information about cardiovascular 
disease and diabetes risks, they may not indicate much about the 
aging brain or Alzheimer's disease.

There is good news and perhaps a lesson amid the findings about 
telomere length. Some people in the study actually had their 
telomeres lengthen instead of shorten. This study did not measure 
telomerase levels, but a small pilot study by Blackburn, Epel and 
others of 30 men published last November in the Lancet suggests it is 
possible to elevate telomerase levels naturally and reverse the ill 
effects of unhealthy living on telomeres. Comprehensive lifestyle 
improvements -- including a low-fat diet, regular exercise and stress 
reduction through meditation and yoga -- increased telomerase 
activity levels by 30% after three months.

"Unhealthy living could increase factors that damage the telomeres' 
DNA," said Dr. Emanuel Skordalakes, assistant professor at the Wistar 
Institute, an independent biomedical research institute in 
Philadelphia. "By living healthier they were able to increase levels 
of telomerase activity, which can take care of that damage and which 
in turn should increase the length of telomeres."

Three months was too short a time to expect to see such increases, 
but whether that could be a longer-term outcome that could reduce the 
risk of dying from a chronic disease is one of the questions that 
researchers are trying to answer.

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