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Starting Over

March 5, 2009


Bit by bit, piece by piece, we are starting over. After enough souls
residing in the lower dimensional old world, had been given enough
time and opportunity to choose if they would stay behind or move on to
their newer and higher vibrating reality of the next step for the
whole, many of us then left for the next rung of our very new reality.
When we left, we may have felt a great completion, a sense of loss of
identity and purpose, and perhaps great feelings of no sense of place.
We were done with a very important phase, and because this phase was
completed by enough of the whole, we were most certainly done with a
very important mission. This was a huge completion. Because we are
very done, we are now readying to start over…to experience a grand
rebirth, and some very new beginnings.

Immediately before we entered our own  very new space, or higher
dimension, great muscle and physical pain could be felt, as we were
squeezing what was left of any density we may have had within us, into
a very small birth canal. But once we arrived, any discomfort may have
magically dissipated.

Moving into a higher vibrating reality creates common themes that are
always present. Some include: A very low tolerance for lower vibrating
energies and ways of being, great loneliness, memory loss, a strong
feeling of no sense of place, a great dis-connect from much of
everything, extreme fatigue and feelings of not wanting to do anything
but rest, apathy, sleepiness, mood swings, great joy, peace, a deeper
connection to Source and our souls, greater feelings of love, and a
very strong awareness of what is around us. What does all that mean,

·         A low tolerance for lower vibrating energies: Lower
vibrating energies are much too dense for those vibrating higher. They
can feel very heavy, unpleasant, and downright awful. These energies
are encouraging us to flee, to leave for a higher vibrating shore
where we belong, and to create a higher vibrating reality somewhere
else. We no longer belong nor do we reside in the lower dimensions.
Personal sanctuaries and nature are the remedies for these challenging
feelings, along with creativity and things vibrating high (love,
caring, respect, art, music, and anything neutral, etc.).

·         Great loneliness: The higher we vibrate, the more we spin
off lower vibrating energies within and without. Eventually, there is
not much left that we can surround ourselves with. Thus, we can become
lonely as we are the forerunners, unless we are able to tolerate the
lower energies for long periods of time, which becomes nearly
impossible after a while. Eventually, we may seem to be the only ones
around, but this is now changing (more about this further along in
this post). Hanging with children (as they naturally vibrate higher),
and finding small circles of friends and loved ones that really love
us and care about us (even if they do not share our beliefs), and vice
versa, are the remedies. True and authentic love vibrates high and
this is enough to keep a connection, even if we have nothing else in

·         Memory loss:  We are evolving into pure energy, and also
leaving much behind which can then become difficult to remember. In
addition, the higher we vibrate, the more we exist in pockets of
energy with different themes. What is in the now is all that exists,
as we no longer hold strong and long connections to much. Higher
vibrating energy moves in and out, very quickly, and is very in the
moment. We are also becoming pure energy. In this way, specifics and
details become moot after a while. I continue to receive
correspondences from readers who feel a need to correct my spelling,
grammar, and punctuation. What is happening here, is that I am now
spelling phonetically and cannot remember detailed rules of grammar,
etc. I used to be the continual winner of every spelling bee and
meticulous about grammar and punctuation as I loved it, but it is
simply not possible now, and too time consuming to send each WINGS
post out to someone else for corrections. Superimposing letters and
words in sentences is common as well in the beginning stages. Details
and analyzing eventually become moot as well, as love and energy are
all that will eventually remain.

·         No sense of place:  This experience is very common and will
occur each and every time we move up a notch on the ascension ladder.
We no longer reside in the lower dimensions and the new has not yet
arrived. In this way, we do not fit anywhere. There is nothing to
connect to and nowhere to go. We may feel lost, freaked out a bit,
insecure, and perhaps loose our confidence as we feel out of our old
groove. Knowing that these feelings always pass is the remedy here, as
well as being in the moment as much as possible, and keeping busy and
distracted can help as well.

·         A dis-connect from much of everything: Much leaves our space
through the ascension process. We may begin to vibrate differently
than others and thus need to part, or perhaps our prior friends are
now leaving for a very new and different “assignment” than ours. We
can no longer relate to or become a part of the old systems, and even
our loving animal companions may part as they are unable to travel
with us to our very new shore (they always return again in a new
form!). Connecting to the new is the remedy here and it can really
make us feel so much better.

·         Apathy, exhaustion, and sleepiness:  We feel apathy when we
are re-booting, resetting, or in a space of hovering while we are
waiting for our new connections or new roles. Exhaustion comes from re-
wiring or having our bodies tune up to a higher frequency (our cells
are morphing and this take a lot of energy), and sleepiness occurs
when we are going from one dimension to another (as does being cold
with an inability to get warm). No remedies here, except to just go
with these stages and know that they are always temporary!

·         Mood swings:  We feel great around the higher vibrations and
not so great around the lower ones. We can try and stay in the higher
vibrations as much as possible and in a loving and accepting state
when in the lower ones.

·         Joy, peace, a deeper connection to our souls, and feelings
of love:  This is what occurs when we remove ourselves from the old,
or the lower vibrating energies. If we can remove ourselves as much as
possible, it is then much easier to be around the lower dimensions for
the short periods of time that we need to. And when we are around the
higher vibrations of unity, caring, respect, creativity, love, and joy
even in the old world, we can easily feel much better as well.

·         A very strong awareness of what is around us:  The higher we
vibrate, the more unity we experience. Separation occurs in the old
reality, and when we encounter it after we are vibrating higher, it
can feel downright awful. Being aware of each and every thing that is
around us, and knowing that we are a whole and all one, becomes
increasingly evident the more we evolve. In this way, much else can
seem to be existing in great separation mode, almost within its own
bubble of separation and locked doors, and thus appear to exist in
some strange world of its own. This has always been the toughest one
for me, as not “seeing” or acknowledging one another feels
particularly unpleasant for me. Everything affects everything else,
and the sooner we realize this as a planet, the better off we will be.

Over this past week-end (the end of February and beginning of March),
we reached yet another milestone and were then ready to move forward a
bit more. This manifested as feelings of great sleepiness, vertigo and
spinning for some, and a strong desire to sleep, rest, and nest.

We had successfully released much of the old, had set in place enough
of the new, and could now let go and move forward once again…forward
into a very new reality. Ever so slowly, we have been putting the
pieces together for our very new beginnings. New connections, new
foundations, fresh and new pieces in our lives have ever so slowly
been manifesting and are being put into place.

Yes, we are starting over. In this way, we needed to be removed and
separated from much. We needed to be left with the bare bones of the
bare minimum so that we could start once again. We may have found
ourselves with fewer friends than ever before, losses of income,
stripped of so much, and may even had feelings of being left out in
the cold. This was because we had to be ready to start fresh and new…
we had to be ready to begin a very new life with new connections and
much of everything else very new. Our slates needed to be wiped clean
before anything new could be added, as what will be added will be
comprised of much higher energy that now matches our own. We needed a
clean canvas before we added the first new brushstrokes of very new
paint creating our very new picture.

(This scenario is also occurring in regard to earth cleansings and
natural disasters. This is why our beautiful Australia has experienced
such massive fires…it is preparing a clean slate for a very new and
higher vibrating reality. What will emerge from the rubble will be a
bright, shiny, and new area that will prove to be a very grounded and
pristine place for the New World…a place that will be known far and
wide for its very special contribution to the planet.)

Thus, we have been released from all of the old…from all of the
unpleasantness of the past….from difficult and challenging connections…
and from old responsibilities of bringing up the vibrations of the old
world and its inhabitants. (If you are feeling miserable and still
feel a need to get out, leave the world, and that you are possibly now
in hell instead of heaven, know that this comes from a greater
connection to the old. The more we are enmeshed in the old reality,
the more difficult it can be, and the worse we feel. Things indeed get
better as we leave the old world behind, say no to unpleasant ways and
individuals, and know that when we are willing to leave and to refuse
to participate, we will always be taken care of. Really letting go is
always a great benefit that keeps us in the flow during the ascension

Our new reality and our new world will being with us. It will begin
with one. Soon (if you have not already done so), each of us will
introduce one more piece, or one more person. Then we will have two in
our new reality (continued relationships from the past can remain as
well, but at even higher levels now). This then, will be the beginning
of new communities. Know as well that it took a very long time to
release the old, so then, it will take a while to create the new (but
certainly not as long as it took to release the old!)

In addition, we have learned that we need to be hyper-vigilant about
boundaries. We need to be ever so particular about whom we allow into
our new world and new reality. Not everyone can enter, but those who
cannot enter will be met at the dimensional border when they ask.
Those who do not ask, are not yet at the dimensional border. And those
who do ask, will most times be met through our new store-fronts, which
will exist on the border, while we reside on another side, having all
our needs beautifully met.

What is occurring now with the economy is part of the plan. It was
supposed to occur. The old world needed to start over as well. It was
time for it to crash, thus, this massive transition is indeed in
divine and perfect order,.. and know as well, that we will indeed be
protected. We have left that world. Going through these confusing,
strange, and perplexing feelings of endings and loss of purpose, are
simply proof that we no longer belong on that lower rung of reality
(the one that is crashing), and in this way, we have indeed arrived in
a land where things are very different. If we can trust that this is
so, and if we can remove ourselves from the old world as much as
possible (with the exception of our money-making store-fronts), we can
more easily experience the Promised Land of joy, peace, love, and
harmony, among all else.

We are moving along quite nicely now. Feelings of heaviness,
entrapment, distress, depression and panic, are indications of a
residency in the old world or of interactions with old ways and lower
vibrations. Staying still in our center, or in the center of the
storm, and simplifying our lives as much as possible, can keep us out
of harm’s way. Staying still while being willing to let go and trust
can be great resources that enable us to ride the current to a new
arrival in the higher realms. We are also much more grounded now as we
are readying for a very new reality right here. All the waiting and
separation of many years past, and the isolation for many, will soon
begin to depart. Yes, we are indeed starting over.

Much love and continued gratitude. Until next time,


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