"On the occasion of International Women's Day 2009, I am proud to honor women 
around the world who are blazing trails and surmounting obstacles in pursuit of 
equality and opportunity. Although you may not know their names or recognize 
their faces, these women advocates are hard at work in every country and on 
every continent, seeking to fulfill their right to participate fully in the 
political, economic and cultural lives of their societies. Often working 
against great odds and at great personal sacrifice, they are a key to global 
progress in this new century and deserve our admiration and support.

Put simply, we have much less hope of addressing the complex challenges we face 
in this new century without the full participation of women. Whether the 
economic crisis, the spread of terrorism, regional conflicts that threaten 
families and communities, and climate change and the dangers it presents to the 
world's health and security, we will not solve these challenges through half 
measures. Yet too often, on these issues and many more, half the world is left 

This is not simply a matter of emotion or altruism. A growing body of research 
tells us that supporting women is a high-yield investment, resulting in 
stronger economies, more vibrant civil societies, healthier communities, and 
greater peace and stability. But even so, no nation in the world has yet 
achieved full equality for women.

Women still comprise the majority of the world's poor, unfed, and unschooled. 
Hundreds of thousands of women die in childbirth every year. They are subjected 
to rape as a tactic of war and exploited by traffickers globally in a billion 
dollar criminal business. Laws are still on the books denying women the right 
to own property, access credit, or make their own choices within their 
marriage. And honor killings, maiming, female genital mutilation, and other 
violent and degrading practices that target women are tolerated in too many 
places today.

Like all people, women deserve to live free from violence and fear. To create 
peaceful, thriving communities, women must be equal partners. That means making 
key resources available to women as well as men, including the chance to work 
for fair wages and have access to credit; to vote, petition their governments 
and run for office; to know they can get healthcare when they need it, 
including family planning; and to send their children to school—their sons and 
their daughters.

Women also have a crucial role to play in establishing peace worldwide. In 
regions torn apart by war, it is often the women who find ways to reach across 
differences and discover common ground as mothers, caretakers, and grassroots 
advocates. One need only look to Northern Ireland, Rwanda, the Balkans, and 
parts of Central America to see the impact of women working in their 
communities to bridge divides in areas of sectarian conflict.

This week, as we celebrate the accomplishments and the untapped potential of 
women around the world, we must remind ourselves that ensuring the rights of 
women and girls is not only a matter of justice. It is a matter of enhancing 
global peace, progress, and prosperity for generations to come.

When women are afforded their basic rights, they flourish. And so do their 
children, families, communities, and nations."

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
March 8, 2009


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