"Major corporations are painting themselves 
green around global warming," Mr. Bast said, 
adding that the companies have shifted 
their lobbying and public relations efforts 
toward trying to shape climate legislation 
in their favor. He said that contributions, 
over all, had continued to rise.

But Kert Davies, a climate campaigner for 
Greenpeace, who is attending the Heartland 
event, said that the experts giving talks 
were "a shrinking collection of extremists" 
and that they were "left talking to themselves."

By ANDREW C. REVKIN - New York Times, March 8, 2009 

--More than 600 self-professed climate skeptics are meeting in a Times Square 
hotel this week to challenge what has become a broad scientific and political 
consensus: that without big changes in energy choices, humans will dangerously 
heat up the planet.

The three-day International Conference on Climate Change — organized by the 
Heartland Institute, a nonprofit group seeking deregulation and unfettered 
markets — brings together political figures, conservative campaigners, 
scientists, an Apollo astronaut and the president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav 

Organizers say the discussions, which began Sunday, are intended to counter the 
Obama administration and Democratic lawmakers, who have vowed to tackle global 
warming with legislation requiring cuts in the greenhouse gases that scientists 
have linked to rising temperatures.

But two years after the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 
Change concluded with near certainty that most of the recent warming was a 
result of human influences, global warming's skeptics are showing signs of 
internal rifts and weakening support.

The meeting participants hold a wide range of views of climate science. Some 
concede that humans probably contribute to global warming but they argue that 
the shift in temperatures poses no urgent risk. Others attribute the warming, 
along with cooler temperatures in recent years, to solar changes or ocean 

But large corporations like Exxon Mobil, which in the past financed the 
Heartland Institute and other groups that challenged the climate consensus, 
have reduced support. Many such companies no longer dispute that the greenhouse 
gases produced by burning fossil fuels pose risks.

>From 1998 to 2006, Exxon Mobil, for example, contributed more than $600,000 to 
>Heartland, according to annual reports of charitable contributions from the 
>company and company foundations.

Alan T. Jeffers, a spokesman for Exxon Mobil, said by e-mail that the company 
had ended support "to several public policy research groups whose position on 
climate change could divert attention from the important discussion about how 
the world will secure the energy required for economic growth in an 
environmentally responsible manner."

Joseph L. Bast, the president of the Heartland Institute, said Exxon and other 
companies were just shifting their stance to improve their image. The Heartland 
meeting, he said, was the last bastion of intellectual honesty on the climate 

"Major corporations are painting themselves green around global warming," Mr. 
Bast said, adding that the companies have shifted their lobbying and public 
relations efforts toward trying to shape climate legislation in their favor. He 
said that contributions, over all, had continued to rise.

But Kert Davies, a climate campaigner for Greenpeace, who is attending the 
Heartland event, said that the experts giving talks were "a shrinking 
collection of extremists" and that they were "left talking to themselves."

Organizers expected to top the attendance of about 500 at the first Heartland 
conference, held last year. They also point to the speaker's roster, which 
included Mr. Klaus and Harrison Schmitt, a geologist, Apollo astronaut and 
former senator.

A centerpiece of the 2008 meeting was the release of a report, "Nature, Not 
Human Activity, Rules the Planet." The document was expressly designed as a 
challenge to the reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

This year, the meeting will focus on a more nuanced question: "Global warming: 
Was it ever a crisis?"

Most of the talks at the meeting will challenge climate orthodoxy. But some 
presenters, including prominent figures who have been vocal in their criticism 
in the past, say they will also call on their colleagues to synchronize the 
arguments they are using against plans to curb greenhouse gases.

In a keynote talk Sunday night, Richard S. Lindzen, a professor at M.I.T. and a 
longtime skeptic of the mainstream consensus that global warming poses a 
danger, first delivered a biting attack on what he called the "climate alarm 

There is no solid scientific evidence to back up the models used by climate 
scientists who warn of dire consequences if warming continues, he said. But Dr. 
Lindzen also criticized widely publicized assertions by other skeptics that 
variations in the sun were driving temperature changes in recent decades. To 
attribute short-term variation in temperatures to a single cause, whether 
human-generated gases or something else, is erroneous, he said.

Speaking of the sun's slight variability, he said, "Acting as though this is 
the alternative" to blaming greenhouse gases "is asking for trouble."

S. Fred Singer, a physicist often referred to by critics and supporters alike 
as the dean of climate contrarians, said that he would be running public and 
private sessions on Monday aimed at focusing participants on which skeptical 
arguments were supported by science and which were not.

"As a physicist, I am concerned that some skeptics (a very few) are ignoring 
the physical basis," Dr. Singer said in an e-mail message.

"There is one who denies that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which goes against 
actual data," Dr. Singer said, adding that other skeptics wrongly contend that 
"humans are not responsible for the measured increase in atmospheric CO2."

There are notable absences from the conference this year. Russell Seitz, a 
physicist from Cambridge, Mass., gave a talk at last year's meeting. But Dr. 
Seitz, who has lambasted environmental campaigners as distorting climate 
science, now warns that the skeptics are in danger of doing the same thing.

The most strident advocates on either side of the global warming debate, he 
said, are "equally oblivious to the data they seek to discount or dramatize."

John R. Christy, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Alabama who has 
long publicly questioned projections of dangerous global warming, most recently 
at a House committee hearing last month, said he had skipped both Heartland 
conferences to avoid the potential for "guilt by association."

Many participants said that any division or dissent was minor and that the 
global recession and a series of years with cooler temperatures would help them 
in combating changes in energy policy in Washington.

"The only place where this alleged climate catastrophe is happening is in the 
virtual world of computer models, not in the real world," said Marc Morano, a 
speaker at the meeting and a spokesman on environmental issues for Senator 
James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma.

But several climate scientists who are seeking to curb greenhouse gases 
strongly criticized the meeting. Stephen H. Schneider, a climatologist at 
Stanford University and an author of many reports by the intergovernmental 
climate panel, said, after reviewing the text of presentations for the 
Heartland meeting, that they were efforts to "bamboozle the innocent."

Yvo de Boer, head of the United Nations office managing international treaty 
talks on climate change, said, "I don't believe that what the skeptics say 
should provide any excuse to delay further" action against global warming.

But he added: "Skeptics are good. It's important to give people the confidence 
that the issue is being called into question."


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