Immaculate Emanation.

Immaculate: Perfect, Pure, Pristine, Flawless, Faultless.

Emanation:   Production, Discharge, Release,  Emission.

What are you and from whence did you arise?

What evidence exists for the answer to this question?

Does it matter?  Do you mind?

But I say that I was made in my mummy's tummy?

If you were then you are nought but a physical body, a machine. I say
that you arose in another kind of womb and that you are not a body but a
unique Mind. And I say that the greatest endowment bestowed upon you in
that womb is the gift of Consciousness. And I would add that your
greatest blessing during a lifetime here is to return to that womb in
order to redeem your awareness of that fact.  I would further add that
to at least attempt putting yourself on the path of the quest to
re-establish the awareness of that foundation would be beneficial and
pragmatic. I say that you are an Immaculate Emanation, and that you
arose before the rising of the sun and the shining of the stars, before
the flowing of the waters, and the emergence of the land.

I don't know what to say to that claim.

Then don't say anything, for there is no need. Simply set about
questioning yourself and asking yourself what you are and from whence
you arose, for only your self knows the answer to that. So, find your
self and you will know. And when you do come to know your self then you
will also know the deepest inward depths of all things brought forth
into emanation, and as to why they are issued forth, and in such
multitude and variety.

If it is as you say, and if I did come to find the source of my self
existence then would I be joining some kind of elite group of people?

No, you would be joining a tiny minority, as of yet, of beings who are
castigated, ridiculed, rebuked, put down by the herd, shunned, despised.

And yet you say that it would be beneficial, pragmatic, to find this
ground of being of which you speak?

Yes, for your sake and for life's sake.

Where would I look for this immaculate foundation?


How would I set about the quest of looking ?

By questioning your self and the condition of its natural reality of
existence, and as to why you exist; and whilst doing these things in
such a way that is sincere, honest, open, and pure, dedicated, striving
to know and understand, and leaving yourself wide open to finding that
no matter what you think that it may be or may be like prior to that
knowing. Empty yourself of prejudgments and assumptions, and cling not
to any ideas that you have collected from people along the way. Take no
baggage with you along that search.

Should I not listen to anybody else who may be offering good advice on
all this?

No, listen to nobody. For if they were right in so saying then you will
come to find out that they were right in so saying; but if they were
wrong then not only will you come to find out that they were wrong but
that which they told you which was wrong will hamper you and obstruct
your quest.  Listen to everybody by all means, but subscribe to none of
it as being the truth of it. You must find that for yourself alone, and
with no assistance or the accompaniment of men. You have to take that
journey alone.

How will I know when I have found that which you are referring to?

You will know it because it will be axiomatic, unarguable,
unquestionable, indubitable, unreasonable, unearthly, and as plain and
simple a ABC when known. You will not be able to questions its truth for
you will be IT and living IT there back in that virgin, pristine,
primordial womb in an eternal and unchanging NOW. That is how you will
know. You will not be able say or even think that it is not so.

So what exactly must I abandon or give up on this inward journey to
attain to that primordial and first pure understanding ?

You have to give up everything which have, everything which you own,
everything which is on loan to you in time. You must lose it all,
including time itself.

This sounds utterly ridiculous.

Yes it does, but that is how it is on that journey to it. But do not try
discarding these things for yourself, for it is something which will be
done to you, by that process itself, not something done by you. And yes,
it is true that none of this is reasonable. That means that reason would
never arrive it this foundation, or guess it or theorise it. But when
known it does not defy reason, and even logical compression when known.
Indeed it is dead simple to understand even by the daily rational
discursive temporal mind, once it is known. It is dead simple. Nothing
is easier to understand than what you are and from whence you come,
whilst there.

How will I know when this actual journey kicks into play and is
beginning to happen?

You will be in a dark place, alone; and maybe apprehensive. Along that
journey you may see image emanations, visions, visual likenesses of this
or that. But in due course all that will go, end, and you will be
consumed in a strange radiant glow where the trinity of your being meets
up into one road, and then there maybe one more vision, a very strange
and unusual vision, and then that will end.

And then there will be another light, an all consuming light into which
you will melt and be all undone, taken apart and stripped of all things
which are not yours to keep; all things that were made in time will then
be gone; purged from your system of incarnation and time. And therein
you will even lose consciousness whilst this happens; for consciousness
is not yours; it is but on loan to you, and it must be made pristine
again; washed of all else which I not itself in primordial condition. 
And then there will be nothing, no awareness of existing; nor of you;
for you will be gone, and all things of time erased. But then you will
re-emerge into an immaculate resurrection in an emergence back into the
foundation of your primordial cognitive being, beyond time, space,
memory, beyond thought, and beyond ignorance of your self.  You will
then come back here again, for you cannot stay there; and there will
exist no more alienation of the parts when reunited with the form and
time.  That is how you will know and come to understand; and thence
affirm your essential being.  But forget all this information from your
thoughts now, and go and seek and see what you find. You will not find
this or yourself in time, but only beyond. But time will be restored to
you again; and just as it was taken away, instantaneously.  And only
that which was not made in time can go back there. And that is you and
the consciousness which flows through your being; the tool for being
aware of anything.

Is there any real truth in any of this?

It is there to be found; you are there to be found. All this is there to
be found.  But do with this information what you will in the meantime.
What you think in the meantime is of no account to what is so, and what
is there to find and become again. Thinking and reason is but an
epiphenomenon upon primordial life, not the thing itself; and thinking
can exist in a dark cave until your self is found. You will find it to
be so when time stops moving and the world is no longer there or in
memory of ever having had existed.

Do I need to believe this?

No; best that you do not, for that might hamper your finding it. Go
empty into that darkness and go alone, no baggage, no matter how true or
substantial that baggage may be, for you will get back that which is
yours unconditionally of what your thoughts were prior to it. Truth does
not go away and it is ever there awaiting in the wings beyond the mists
of time and the veil of darkness and unknowing.

And all this takes place inwards you say?

Yes, inwards, downwards, spiralling back down through the dark inner
dimensions of the vortex of psyche and beyond the engine room of your
manifestation into time and space. For it is that dark and lonesome
space which connects Time to Eternity. You will not find it out there,
but only inwards.

So, in which case, is all this stuff within me?

No, none of it is IN you. The only thing which is and will again be IN
you, is the understand, the basic primordial wisdom of the knowledge of
what it is to be, and what you are and why, and from whence you came;
the gnosis of your self and that which is not your self. As for the rest
of it, including the journey through that dark Limbo to it, then you
will be in IT, not IT in you. You will be in a darkness and emptiness,
you may be afraid for a while, but there is no need of that.  Eventually
you will be illuminated, and then annihilated in that light. And when
done, and all that which is not yours is removed, purged, taken from
you, all that which was but your system of temporal dynamics, then you
will be home.  Home and comprehending what you are, and what you are
not; and whilst dwelling in a domain of pristine beauty and repose; and
with a passion for life and existence which is ultimate and primordial,
and pure.  You will also see, and with a binocular vision, and you will
understand by way of being conscious of it again; as you were in the
beginning, and unto the end. It is always there.

I have never heard anything like this before.

Therefore what?  Can something not be true lest you have heard it said? 
Ask yourself as to why you have not heard it said.  And that too will be
made known unto you, in due course.  If you do not ask then the
receiving may take much longer; for asking is the sign that you are
ready to receive.  A blind man does not question the light. A dead thing
does not speak of life. None of this is anything but that which is yours
anyway, and right from the beginning. You will be finding nothing new;
but simply new to your awareness and remembrance of it whilst here and
now.  You are not on a quest to be made whole or given some kind of
blessing bestowed upon you from something else, you are already whole,
and you are simply redeeming that which is already yours and already
you, as it always was, and still is even unto this day and beyond.  You
are the Immaculate Emanation from before all else which is issued forth
after you. The last thing which is needed on this world is the first
thing ever brought forth from no created thing – you. Know your
self.  Don't let anybody tell you, for it is yours. So best go in
search of it. You will know it is when you find it. And then the next
part of the journey begins

I will give thought to what you say.

That will do you no good whatsoever. It is action which is needed, not
thought. Thought will not bring this about. Thought and thinking cannot
even get there. It is only when you cannot think that you will know.
Check it out for yourself, for it is you. And you cannot know me until
you know you. Look and feel inwards, and be not afraid of the dark and
loss of all things yet known to you, for it leads to the light, and
remembrance;  remembrance by way if being back there; in that beginning,
and done so in order to know and redeem this understanding. And thence
use it well on your outer travels and the next part of the journey.

But if you assume that nothing of this is so, then see what you come to
find. And especially so when time is done with you and you are dragged
from its closed and restricted box.


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