Before Judy spontaneously cuts and pastes,
look at Judy's posts.
Judy would have been pissed off.

What Judy seems to be concerned about--
what IMO Judy is upset about--
the thing that pisses Judy off the most--
Judy VERY MUCH "wants to debunk" her own "preferred sources"
that *her* bias wishes to affix blame to.

Judy cites posts from the Paleolithic Age,
tends to shout "Non sequitur" and throw snit fits,
is the one always "spoiling for a fight,"
and has even admitted to having smoked marijuana in her youth.

Judy's silly quote in response to yours began to attack you
to demonize the "culprit du jour."
The day Judy can write a CREATIVE putdown,
using this *same* situation to smear Obama,
Judy will continue doing anything she can think of
to say that HER sources are *better*.

Judy is trying Yet Again to "destroy,"
But look at Judy's posts, Judy's "death threat" meltdown.
A TM peon, Judy has no such "other side."
Judy is completely unaware
that she is describing anyone else.

Your biggest weakness, Judy--
The cited articles are OPINION, Judy.
I *owned* you, Judy.

People are starting to stray from the Holy Judy Doctrine.
Judy is Hall Monitor Of The Gods.
People can call Judy "bat-shit insane" all they want.
I really don't hate Judy.


I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I was wrong, Judy. I was wrong, Judy. I was wrong, Judy.
You were right, Judy. You were right, Judy.
You are *always* right, Judy.

You're the best, Judy.
You're the best, Judy.
You're the best, Judy.

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