John Knapp's "ugly comment" --
> "I'd sure be more comfortable if researchers would
> stick to experimenting on monkeys and leave the kids
> alone."

John Knapp is threatening the lives of monkeys!

Burn him at the stake! 


I just love it when Judy *demonstrates* her 
Bad Intent by demonstrating her ability to 
read Bad Intent into anything she reads.

Even the *promoters* of the teach-kids-to-
meditate initiative refer to it as an exper-
iment. But when John Knapp does the same
thing, that is somehow revealing of his
"ugly comment" and his "mask slipping."

OF COURSE they are experimenting on school-

But for Judy, that's OK only when one of 
the chosen says it. If someone else says it,
it's nefarious, evil, an "ugly comment."

Someone should send Judy a mirror, because
Mr. Dictionary clearly has not been sufficient
to teach her the meaning of "ugly."

--- In, "authfriend" <jst...@...> wrote:
> --- In, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@> wrote:
> >
> > On Mar 24, 2009, at 12:38 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> [cardemaister wrote:]
> > >>> " seems to me that many
> > >>> people enjoy their TM -- while a significant minority
> > >>> have problems such as depression, anxiety, dissociation,
> > >>> involuntary tics, etc."
> > >>
> > >> Every once in a while John's mask slips, and what's
> > >> behind his lip service to TM--such as that in your
> > >> quote--gets inadvertently spat out in all its ugliness.
> > >
> > > What phrase do you object to?  If your job is helping
> > > people who do have problems like the late Margret Singer
> > > then the reality of such a population is just a fact.
> > 
> > I was wondering the same thing--seems to me
> > John's quote is right on, realistic.  God only
> > knows what "mask" Judy is really afraid of.
> Idiot Sal does it again, with assistance from Curtis's
> failure to include proper attributions.
> The quote at the top was from *cardemaister*, not
> me. He was responding to my earlier post (which, of
> course, poor delicate Sal couldn't bring herself to
> read, even though Curtis had quoted it in full at
> the end of the post).
> The "lip service" I was referring to, the "mask," 
> rather obviously, is what cardemaister quoted, the
> mealy-mouthed acknowledgment that "many people enjoy
> their TM" (followed by a carefully disguised plug
> for his services for those who don't).
> When that mask *slips*, what comes out is what *I* had
> quoted to start with, John's ugly comment about the
> plans to do research on the children in Lynch's project:
> "I'd sure be more comfortable if researchers would
> stick to experimenting on monkeys and leave the kids
> alone."
> One would think folks with a few brain cells to rub
> together would have learned that when a post doesn't
> seem to make sense, it often helps to backtrack in
> the thread to find the original context. In this case
> Sal wouldn't even have had to go back; she could have
> read the original post included beneath Curtis's
> question to me.

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