On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:37 AM, grate.swan <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Does it upset you when you are a guest at a sumptuous meal and the host 
> offers grace before the meal. I may be shallow, but I focus on  the meal and 
> not on my hosts particular beliefs or traditions. And I don't somehow feel 
> tainted or duped.

For the past several years I've offered in FF respite from Annapura in
a lavish Christmas feast with all the fixings:  organic, non-organic,
vegan, turkey, ham, you name it.  I aim for cultural and religious
diversity.  There is not only no resentment when it comes time for
grace, but everyone is very eager to offer his particular prayer to
the group.  This Christmas the prayer token went around twice and the
love was so thick you could cut it with a machete.   But then I hone
in one the religion of others.

OTOH in the late 80's I was forced to listen to the very Christian
music I'm listening to right now and I was resentful.  But the music
was being pushed on me and others as "embrace this or burn in Hell".
This was in Colorado Springs where there are a lot of TBs who traded
their addiction to drugs with an addiction to Jesus.

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