On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Kirk <kirk_bernha...@cox.net> wrote:

Kirk, I was joshing you about your malas.  Actually I hundreds of
malas of rudraksha beads, many of the beads are monstrous and rare.
We're looking at enough money to buy a small Lexus with my beads.

Glad you took the time off.  You needed to get back together.  And
yes, Celexa is an SSRI.  It prevents the amount of seratonin
(relaxation, sleep, gaining weight) in your brain from being degraded.
 So yes, it does allow you to feel better about yourself.  But it's
not a crutch.  It's just bringing back into balance what is your
birthright.  There are all sorts of (drug) ways to attack depression.
I would have loved to hear that you got a testosterone patch and an
anti-depressent which dealt with more than one neurotransmitter, but
when dealing with depression, all roads lead to Rome.

Expect to be on an anti-depressant for at least a year.  Two years
would be good.  It takes a long time to get everything fine tuned and
remember that you'll have to be titrated down not just discontinue the
drug.  I don't quite remember the name of the guy in the Boston area
who lost his high tech job and was on increasing amounts of Prozac on
a.t.m.  Remember him?  He told me he met Judy for lunch and it was
pretty obvious why she never married.

Expect to find yourself doing things you haven't done in a long time
or never did before.  This will happen as your emotions free up and
flow more.  Also expect yourself deciding to quit taking various
drugs.  As you're more self-satisfied or at least able to be happy
with just who you are you'll find yourself actually desiring fewer
drugs.  Don't worry, they won't go to waste.  Package them up and send
them out to FFLers who ask for them.  Make your first shipment to Turq
and faithfully list the contents of the package on the customs
declaration.   Don't think it strange if ideas of making money in new
ways come to you.  Getting your emotions/physiology unfrozen does that
to you.

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