> > So, Vaj, Jindal's 'religion' is a factor in 
> > your political science. You sound really, 
> > really scared to bring this up.
> >
Vaj wrote: 
> Not so much his religion. I've pretty much 
> resigned myself to having to deal with people 
> who worship a guy on a torture device for the 
> rest of my life. 
Compared to your Tibetan Nyingma 'Yamataka' idol, 
the Roman Catholic crucifix is just a doll or a 
good luck charm. You sound really scared of 
Bobby and Sarah Palin. 

> But that doesn't mean I support a nutcase who 
> performs exorcisms on schoolgirls. The guy 
> should be in jail:
>From what I've read, Barak Obama's church 
performs an 'exorcism' almost every hour of the 
day and twice on Sunday, even on infants as young 
as one year old. Apparently Obama was an active 
shooter - so I guess in your society, Obama would 
be in the cell next to Jindal and Pastor Wright.

But, I wonder how many 'exorcisms' the 14th Dalai 
Lama performs? Jindal is only a state governor, 
in office for a few months, and the incident 
seems to have ocurred once, over ten years ago, 
but the Dalai Lama is the spiritual AND political 
leader of a whole country for what, seventy years,
and probably performed an exorcism just minutes 

I guess in your world, the Dalai Lama and his 
cohorts would be in a Chinese jail in downtown 
Peking with a waterboard over their head, but 
Bobby Jindal is a nutcase?

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