if you think any of the TM critics here are trying to learn anything except 
shore up their defenses against a technique that transcends everything, you 
truly are dreaming.

this is not some high minded exercise in "compare and contrast". it is a feeble 
attempt by those who's egos are in the way, to keep them in the way. nothing 

no one has anything at all to learn from the most vocal TM critics here, except 
as a cautionary tale. if they were not in conflict over this technique, they 
would have long ago kept quiet about it, and pursued and shared their own 
interests. instead we get the same  constant and repetitive rants against TM. 
as one poster recently remarked, "don't you guys ever get tired of this dry 
boring crap?"

the TM critics here talk chiefly to themselves. Vaj for one has been exposed as 
a no nothing by any number of people here, and for you for the umpteenth time 
to hold him up as some sort of meditation expert is not only laughable, it is 
genuinely pathetic. he knows nothing about TM and makes that clear every time 
he shares his thoughts on the subject. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltabl...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <willytex@> wrote:
> So you are thinking that a bunch of people here are interested enough in TM 
> to post regularly concerning their detailed opinions of where Maharishi got 
> it wrong...
> with no detailed exposure to his system of thought?  Do I have that right?
> That a guy like Vaj who has been posting his POV online for decades didn't at 
> one time have a lot of chips on the golden tables of Seelisberg, but somehow 
> got spontaneously fascinated enough to post on TM forums regularly and in 
> detail refuting the specific practice of TM from his new perspective gained 
> from his years of practice of other techniques?  
> And now he is required to provide more info that could blow his cover on an 
> online forum because he has not been parroting the party line here and dares 
> to use phrases of his own to describe his own perspective of TM and the goals 
> of meditation?
> The lack of interest in Vaj's perspective I see here, the polemic 
> gamesmanship used to try to discredit him personally rather than address the 
> points he has brought up, reveals an anti-intellectual bias that reminds me 
> of a political machine.  I know that he returns fire and I'm sure I'll be 
> deluged with his many online sins for defending him here.
> But here you have a guy who is waaaay into meditation and is obviously very 
> sharp, and I don't sense a shred of curiosity about his detailed perspective 
> among the people here who claim to be waaaaay into self development?  BIG WTF?
> Did everyone miss the "compare and contrast" angle in your education?
> An intellectual resource is being squandered on both sides here.  On a forum 
> with people who have done TM for decades, and some who have done it for 15 
> years or more and then went into other techniques to compare TM to, the best 
> we can produce intellectually is:
> Show me you dome badge buddy!?

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