I am the eternal wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Alex Stanley
> <j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com>wrote:
>> Where the hell were all these right wing Constitutionalists when BushCo was
>> wiping its collective ass with the Constitution for eight fucking years?
> Alex, I've been wondering the very same thing for months now.  These very
> same people who had no problem when Bush was trampling the Constitution and
> the Bill of Rights suddenly are His Majesty's loyal minority in every
> congressional vote, there to try to save the US Constitution from the
> Democrats and Obama.
> Add to that the governor of my state who will not relent on accepting
> stimulus money and actually has a fellow Republican senator shouting him
> down.  Hopefuly our legislature will be able to bypass Perry.  And what is
> Perry's stance on why he refuses to sign on to the Stimulus Bill?  Because
> he wants to defend the US Constitution and states rights.  States rights?
> Wasn't that a George Wallace thing?
> I wonder if Barry Goldwater is not hiding somewhere in the midst of these
> Republicans?
Now which "Conservatives" are we talking about?  I'm been watching 
"conservatives" fighting "conservatives" for several years now.  We have 
the Rush Limbaugh "conservatives" which really probably aren't 
conservatives at all but just sheep that follow the Pied Piper of New 
York radio (though Rush started out in Sacramento).   Then we have the 
"Constitutional Conservatives" who are mainly the Ron Paul crowd and 
listen to the Pied Piper of Austin Radio: Alex Jones.  Funny thing about 
the "Constitutional Conservatives" is they often sound very liberal get 
calls come in from "conservatives" on the radio show accusing them of 
being liberal.  Well the Constitution is rather a liberal document so if 
that is your foundation then you are faily liberal but that idea makes 
those Christian survivalist cum-libertarian "types", who are fans, heads 
spin like Linda Blair in "The Exorcist." :-D

Now the main concern of many sides is "big government" which is owned 
and operated by "big business."  But tell the libertarians that "big 
business" is the problem and we need to seize and redistribute the 
wealth of the "global elite" and their heads spin like Linda Blair in 
"The Exorcist" too.   Seems they don't want the opportunity taken away 
from them to become filthy rich people and become "global elite" 
assholes themselves.

Sometimes if you hold the earth at arms length you get a good idea of 
what a fucked up place it is.  If you've ever seen weevil infested grain 
or flour then think of the Earth as the flour and the weevils as human 
beings.  Then you have a super real vision of the problem. ;-)

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