
--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> The Master's article for
> Share International magazine, April 2009
> The restoration of the world
> by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme, 16 March 2009
> From almost every point of view the situation facing men everywhere
> grows daily more painful. The economic chaos resulting from years of
> unlicensed greed and heartless competition lays waste the honest toil
> and aspiration of countless millions. On the whole, the men of money go
> blithely on, their treasure intact, while men and women in every country
> face joblessness, poverty and fear. More accurate readings of climatic
> changes show men how close this planet is to irreversible calamity, and
> alarm bells sound loudly on many political fronts, raising to new levels
> the factor of stress.
> How much more of this tension can humanity bear? For how long will men
> accept, mildly, their fate? Desperate men do desperate deeds and already
> in their minds, if not yet in their actions, many contemplate
> revolution.
> Happenings
> Behind the scenes, Maitreya watches carefully these happenings, and
> gives succour wherever the Law allows. He waits, patiently, for the
> build-up of response to the sign of His Emergence, the "star-like
> luminary of brilliant power" on which many now gaze in wonder and
> even love.
> What is desired is some measure of public debate about the significance
> or meaning of the Star, thus signifying the emergence of Maitreya, the
> World Teacher. The greater and more public the discussion, the greater
> does it prepare the way for Maitreya's entry. Soon there will be no
> gainsaying. Very soon, Venus will move beyond the sight of men and so
> leave the platform of the heavens open to the Star. Then there will be
> no doubt that the Star is there for all to see.
> If sufficient discussion can be fostered on the various media and
> internet it will not be long until men see and hear Maitreya speak. He
> will not be so called, that men can judge His ideas rather than His
> status.
> Crisis
> As the economic crisis deepens, a singular reaction is appearing in many
> countries: alongside the fear, bravado and growing despair is a new
> understanding of the reasons for the crash -- the greed and competitive
> spirit at the centre of our systems and, therefore, the need for
> sharing. Of themselves, many are awakening to this basic truth and see
> sharing as the answer to injustice and war. Thus are many ready for
> Maitreya's Call. This realization will grow as the crisis bites
> deeper and deeper into the shaky fabric of the outworn forms and
> structures that no longer work, can never be made to work for long.
> When Maitreya speaks, He will show that this is so, that the world is
> ready for the adoption of new and better forms, based on the true needs
> of the peoples everywhere. His is the task to focus and strengthen this
> growing realization of the oneness and unity of men, of their mutual
> dependence and awakening divinity. Thus will Maitreya and humanity work
> together for the restoration of this world.

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