SaLuSa  8-April-2009

We know that our messages reach far and wide, and some people do not
take them seriously. We tell you it is no joke, but a very serious
time in your evolution. Failure to comprehend the gravity of the
situation you are facing, will leave you at the mercy of those who
would enslave you for the rest of your life. The opportunity you have
to make a quantum leap forward comes very rarely, but it is there for
all who are prepared to live the vision of Ascension. You have a once
in many lifetimes opportunity to completely leave the lower dimensions
behind. We are aware that so many of you tire of the never-ending
turmoil that the dark forces create on Earth. That is their way to
stall your spiritual progress, and have you make believe that there is
no way out of the dark.

Dear Ones, you cannot beat the dark forces at their own game, but have
the advantage of being able to create a future that breaks their hold
upon you. You of the Light have so much power that you can change the
time line you are on. It requires dedication and trust that your
efforts will produce results. It is the visualization of the end
result you seek that will attract the energies that bring it about.
Time is not a factor, as events will proceed in the manner that is
best suited for success. As more of you envision a similar end time,
so the energy becomes even more powerful. This is why an important
part of our mission is to help you understand what is required of you.
You moved yourselves beyond the Millennium when you might otherwise
have experienced the end of the cycle. You created a chance for
everyone to find their god selves, thus giving more souls the
opportunity to break free from duality.

You must admit that the last few years have given you a roller coaster
ride, but what you are experiencing is no funfair ride. It is your
future that is at stake, and although many higher Beings accompany you
and give of their help, it is you and your actions that will determine
the outcome. We are confident that you will rise to the occasion, and
overcome the odds that seem stacked against you. You really have all
of the answers, but many just do not believe in their own creative
power. We can only do so much without being seen to interfere, but
give us the chance to mount a peace mission with you and jointly we
shall be a formidable force for good.  The Creator has expressed
a desire that all within your Universe shall ascend, and it is only
your Earth that is experiencing a battle to be part of that
upliftment. All other planets and dimensions are sufficiently
advanced, to move with the changes without any difficulty.
Nevertheless, the Earth is considered a success in bringing souls into
the knowing of the changes, so that each one can make their own
decision regarding their future.

It is time for the people to make their mark, and be responsible for
the direction they go into. It is clear to many that you cannot return
to the old ways, but use your power to ensure that your governments
are aware of your interest in determining your own future. They will
listen, as they know the power has shifted from them to you. This is
all part of the necessary changes that will restore your freedom and
right to choose your own destiny. It is far too long since you had a
firm say in your lives direction. These are times when seemingly
miracles can happen, and some events will both shock and amaze the
people. Be prepared to adopt a new mindset, but be sure to look for
what is for the good of all.

There are days to come when at a single stroke the U.S. President
shall astound his critics by the changes he will authorize. No
President of late has been one specifically chosen by the people, and
therefore his decisions will reflect that aspect of his appointment.
He is in any event, a highly motivated soul bringing much wisdom and
authority with him. He has a great responsibility thrust upon his
shoulders, but is equal to the task. Already he is making overtures to
foreign powers that would otherwise be considered enemies of the
Western World. Obama seeks peace instead of hostilities, and knows
that he must build trust where previously there was nothing but
confrontation. Humanity is being offered the opportunity to consign
the past to your history books, and broker a new understanding between
each other that leads to friendship and cooperation.

Support for the new look way of governing is vital; as the dark forces
will do all they can to disrupt its progress. Read carefully into
reports that twist Obama’s words, as much disinformation will be
circulated. Be intuitive, and measure the soul that is Obama by his
intentions as expressed with wisdom and love for all people. He is
charged with a task that holds the future of Mankind in its grasp, and
it must not, and cannot fail. His emergence is one that the people of
the world can take credit for, as your prayers and longing for a
trusted and worthy leader to make peace a reality has been answered.

Mother Earth as ever will play a vital role in these times, and
she will rumble away but not with the ferocity that might otherwise
have existed. What you do for each other affects Mother Earth, and the
more positive your energies, the better it will be for lessening the
degree to which earth changes are necessary. The times of gloom and
doom are over, but some changes are inevitable as the cleansing
process gets underway. Know that every action and reaction has a
purpose, and your understanding is not as yet sufficiently broad
enough to know the precise reasons. No matter what scale of death in
any incident, be aware that each soul has planned and allowed for
transition in such a manner. This is one of your more difficult
lessons to comprehend, as loss of life is a very emotive subject to

 It is a unique time when the
reaping of the harvest of uplifted souls will take place. Make sure
you are one of them by holding fast to your vision of a New Age,
where all proceeds in absolute harmony and balance. It is yours for
the taking, and rightfully your inheritance and part of your
sovereignty that you are reclaiming.


Mike Quinsey.


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