At about 02:42 Maharishi mentions suSumna...

sumna   mfn. (prob. fr. 5. %{su} and %{mnA} = %{man}) benevolent , kind , 
gracious , favourable RV. x , 5 , 3 ; 7 ; (%{am}) n. benevolence , favour , 
grace RV. TS. ; devotion , prayer , hymn (cf. Gk. $) RV. ; &371866[1231 ,3] 
satisfaction , peace , joy , happiness ib. ; N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.

suSumna         mf(%{A})n. *very* [emph. add. - card] gracious or kind RV. VS. 
; m. N. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to 
the moon) VP. ; (%{A}) f. a partic. artery (prob. `" the carotid "') or vein of 
the body (lying between those called %{iDA} and %{piGgalA} , and supposed to be 
one of the passages for the breath or spirit ; cf. %{brahma-randhra}) Up. BhP. 
Ra1jat. - 1.

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