Today is the day of celebrating the macabre day of deicide: Easter.

Kill the son of God...and then EAT him, symbolically, in the form of some wafer.

And then DRINK his blood in the form of wine.

Then top it all off with a hearty meal of either pig flesh or lamb.   Mmmmmm.

Once when a born again Christian (who also happened to be a TM teacher) told 
Maharishi that Christ died for his sins, Maharishi replied: "Did he die for you 
or did he live for you?"

That God's son had to be killed in order to "save" all of humanity is a premise 
I reject wholly out of hand.  If that makes me demonic, then so be it.

But I suspect this sacrificing of God business and then trying to convince 
everyone that accepting this belief as the ONLY way to get to the Kingdom of 
Heaven is, in fact, the demonic approach.

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