Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:09:10 -0500
Subject: MSN - 14 Greenest Mayors, includes Fairfield Mayor Ed Malloy
From: Ken Chawkin <>
To: Movement News Groups <>
Thread-Topic: MSN - 14 Greenest Mayors, includes Fairfield Mayor Ed Malloy
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From: Ed Malloy <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 12:54:22 -0500

I was contacted by someone from last week about a story they were doing on Green Mayors. I don't know how they got my name, but they published the story today <> We're in pretty good company! He asked for a non-traditional photo (head shot) so I sent a picture speaking to the President when he was in Fairfield and told him we were having a conversation about sustainable communities. Enjoy!


11. Ed Malloy, Fairfield, Iowa - pop. 9,650 14 Greenest Mayors
Malloy: Courtesy of Ed Malloy

In November, the city fathers in this liberal southeastern Iowa <><> outpost unanimously adopted a Green Strategic Plan. Their vote was more than ceremonial: they also secured a state-funded grant to hire a sustainability coordinator, to inventory their greenhouse gases and to create educational materials for residents. The new plan envisions everything from conserving energy to supporting local farms. Malloy, who's been mayor since 2001 and heads up a local oil company, says the environment-economy connection is clear. He hopes Fairfield's ideas will catch on saying <><;id=420248> , "We want to create a model community, a virtual template that other small towns can adopt to create the same results."


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