You mention 'Presidential Blackmail' - it's somewhat known what 'blackmail 
there was
on the Bushes, and the obvious one on Clinton - what's the inside scoop on 
Or is he clean from blackmail? I don't have the answer.....yet?  Anyone suspect?


      Much buzz this morning on progressive talk about the dismay of Obama 

saying prosecutions against those who employed torture being "off the 

table" after the administration released memos showing how torture was 

used during the Bush administration.  Many posited that the military 

industrial complex has Obama blackmailed (as they seem to do to every 

president).  We should scream bloody murder and also wake up your 

apathetic neighbor and coworker.  Time to be provocateurs.   Call your 

Congressman.  Post comments on the White House blog.  Hold Obama's feet 

to the fire.







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