Peter wrote:
> The person who wrote that about Shiva is a fool. 
No shit, Peter.

From: John Manning
Subject: TM is a cult 
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: September 25, 2001 

I think Maharishi saved his ass after threats of 
exposure of his sexual pecadillos. His empire, to 
me today, is not much different than any other 
corporate entity. It certainly is NOT 'heaven on 
earth' and it is very far removed from anything 
akin to Divinity.

I refuse to hear 'justification' for his bullshit. 
Bullshit is bullshit. This is 'guru' bullshit. To 
me, it is bullshit of the highest order. (It has 
the worst stench when it claims Divinity and is

I fully expect proponents of TM and Maharishi to 
respond. Don't bother. I, myself, was brainwashed 
in this shit. I know how it works on both sides.

"Hayam dukam anagatam" - The shit that has not yet 
landed on you is worth avoiding. - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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