Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu wrote:
>> Or the teacher should have given the 
>> meditation technique with shaktipat 
>> to begin with...
> Look, Fella, you don't exactly have a 
> good history of giving anyone anything,
> especially instruction in meditation. 
How would you know that?
> If people paid good money to learn how 
> to sit from you in the first place, 
> then why would anyone want to pay to 
> get more silly gimmicks like the 
> 'shaktipat' or the 'kundalini'? 
Not a gimmick and so far I haven't charged anyone.  Shaktipat isn't a 
gimmick and I can assure kundalini isn't either.

> According to Vaj, you, Barry, Curtis, 
> and Edg, charged money for years for 
> these techniques that didn't work as 
> promised. 
In the late 1970's the fee was only $125 for an adult.  Not exactly 
outrageous especially if you compare it to what the TMO charges today.  
I only taught TM for a little while.  The folks who taught a lot did so 
in the early 1970s.  And none of us knew what we know today regarding 
mantra shastra because MMY didn't teach it.  And nobody I taught felt 
cheated except for one guy, who had been to India and lied about what he 
knew and really should have been required to take SCI first.  And I 
checked some people who I didn't teach but probably should have never 
learned TM and were more in need of "grounding out."

There's a guy downtown here who is schizophrenic.  Someday if I can get 
him to shut up long enough I am going to ask him to close his eyes and 
feel his feet.  That will direct the energy that is firing off neurons 
in his head toward his feet and should calm him down a bit.  It's 
harmless and it would be interesting to see if it helps him.
> At least six informants on this forum 
> say you are full of it - selling water 
> down by the river. Now, you're saying 
> that I fly out to Oakland, Ca. to pay 
> more good money to get touched by a 
> Pilot Guru?
Now what does it matter what someone did (or even does) as a living?  As 
long as they have the knowledge and the techniques that's what counts.   
It also counts that you can ask him questions you would have never been 
able to ask MMY.
> It doesn't even make any sense. 
You never make any sense, Richard.  If you only had a brain.
> If you or Vaj have the secret to human 
> enlightenment, it would be a crime to 
> hold such knowledge back from the rest 
> of humanity. 
Who says we are.  I'll teach anyone who wants to learn.  Enlightenment 
is simple.  You just practice meditation (sadhana) and your nervous 
system rewires itself to sustain the experience 24/7.  The "dying the 
cloth" analogy is quite valid.
> Just tell us what to do; we try it; if 
> we like it and it works, THEN we pay 
> you. 
Are you paying us for the technique or our time?
> "Just sit. Just sitting IS enlightenment."
> - Suzuki Roshi
Does it work?  That might be a bit of an over simplification. 
> Titles of interest:
> 'Moon in a Dewdrop'
> Writings of Zen Master Dogen
> by Eihei Dogen
> North Point Press, 1995

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