raunchydog wrote:
> "In a move that stunned both political allies 
> and foes alike, President Barack Obama resigned 
> today after serving 100 days in office...
WASHINGTON - "That wasn't me," President Barack 
Obama said on his 100th day in office, disclaiming 
responsibility for the huge budget deficit waiting 
for him on Day One.

It actually was him - and the other Democrats 
controlling Congress the previous two years - who 
shaped a budget so out of balance...

Read more:

'Obama disowns deficit he helped shape'
By Calvin Woodward
Associated Press, April 29, 2009

Fact Check:

Congress controls the purse strings, not the 
president, and it was under Democratic control 
for Obama's last two years as Illinois senator. 
Obama supported the emergency bailout package in 
President George W. Bush's final months - a 
package Democratic leaders wanted to make bigger...

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