On May 4, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

And, my babe is laughing herself sick here that anyone would think I was drawn to weak women. When she and I debate, the fur flies. I can't remember the last time I resoundingly dominated in any debate about even the smallest of issues. This woman's got moxie, mojo and muscle -- stand back! Ahem, if anything, I'm guilty of some sort of Peter Principle delusions in that I want women a notch better than I actually can be said to "deserve."

Is this the same "babe," Edg, that doesn't mind
you posting intimate details of  your relationship,
and who you claim is willing to have sex with you
anytime on a moment's notice?

Sure sounds like a winner, and I for one
agree with those who posted that she
most likely doesn't exist.  If she does,
have her post something under a pseudonym
that confirms what you previously
claimed about her, above.


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