True North determined for the construction of Vastu homes is established by a 
projection of the earth's axis to an imaginary point within the celestial 
constellations. The north star is used as the reference point. Read this 
article and tell me if you conclude that the reference point is not consistent 
over time.

"The celestial poles do not remain permanently fixed against the background of 
the stars. Because of a phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes, 
the poles trace out circles on the celestial sphere, with a period of about 
25,700 years. The Earth's axis is also subject to other complex motions which 
cause the celestial poles to shift slightly over cycles of varying lengths; see 
nutation, polar motion and axial tilt. Finally, over very long periods the 
positions of the stars themselves change, due to the stars' proper motions."

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