--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "uns_tressor" <uns_tres...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, grate.swan <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > So profit is good.  We never say profit is bad. The more profit, 
> > the more progress. What we speak out against is profit that hurts
> > people. Then there is no real profit. You see the point? 
> > Its beautiful.
> >
> So, some profitable projects are good and other profitable 
> projects are bad.

Of course. If a robber robs your house, he makes a profit. But what did he 
create. Nothing. No Thing. So that profit is really No profit. If a man creates 
a way to make the sun into electricity, very inexpensively, and does not 
pollute in making that thing, then that is good profit. We should smile upon 
that profit. Let that man invest all of his profit in new ideas. You  see, the 
thing is, men who really create new things, that really help all mankind, that 
is their profit. they have these huge waves of ideas, huge waves of creative 
intelligence surging in them. They are fulfilled by seeing these ideas turned 
into things of the world. The profit is not their fruit. Their profit is seeing 
something come from nothing. From a sprk inside, and then it manifests into 
something real. This is the process of creation. Such real profiteers are like 
gods, creating new things for humanity. The profit is only a tool for them. A 
tool to create more. And since they have a good track record, they created 
something god, they received high profits, then its wise that these bright 
souls have more tools to create more.

However, when  a man create loss with profit, when he creates suffering with hi 
profit, there is no profit. Loss cancels profit. Such men should not have tools 
to carry on and create more suffering. 

So yes, your quetion is very beautiful. There is good profit and bad profit. 
bad prfoti is really no profit at all. Its illusory. Its false profit. False 
prophets create false profits. True profit is form creating things that help 
all people. Or at least they do not hurt people.

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