Dear Friends of Je-Ru,
Many of you have read about Taansen Fairmont Sumeru at
<> .  Taansen is Je-Ru's friend, former business
partner, and co-defendant in the trial against Sattva Investment Ltd.  Up
until recently he has also been Je-Ru's cell mate for the last 6 months (
Update:  Je-Ru was abruptly moved in the middle of the night to another
temporary holding facility in Arizona.  See the May 1rst update at:
<> for more on this).   Throughout
their business relationship and the trial, they have remained incredibly
loyal to each other.  Their stories have never wavered, and they have never
blamed each other for the series of events that has led to their current
situation.  The prosecution attempted many times to try and convince them to
"turn on each other", but to no avail.   They were each offered plea
bargains that would have given them less time if they testified against each
other and they refused every time.  Pleading guilty would have been a lie,
and a few years off their sentence was not worth the price that came with
it-- a permanent felony record, a tarnished name, and going back on all the
principals they believed in which was the right to prosperity for every
human being.  Because of this choice, unfortunately they are wrongfully
serving time, but with their integrity intact.
Taansen recently wrote to me and asked me to forward a message to all of
Je-Ru's friends and associates who wrote character reference letters on his
behalf.  Again thank you to everyone!  The letters were an integral part of
Je-Ru's  defense argument at the sentencing trial and helped reduce his
sentence from a possible 10 years to 5 years.  Please see the attached
letter written by Taansen.  Please note: the websites he references at: 
are no longer active, but they can be found at: (the first two links)
As always, feel free to forward this to all friends and colleagues of Je-Ru
that I may have missed. 
Thank you for your support!
~ Jivan Hall
Contents of the attached letter:
To Those Who Wrote Character Endorsement Letters for Je-Ru Hall

A Message from Taansen Fairmont Sumeru

Ladies and Gentlemen:
I wish to thank you, on behalf of all of existence, for the beautiful
character endorsement letters that you wrote for my good friend, spiritual
brother, and co-defendant, Je-Ru Hall.
Few people deserve such praise as much as Je-Ru. Over 160 letters came in,
the most his attorney had ever seen for any client in his 25 years of law
practice. They will DEFINITELY help, he said. They also brought deep
gratitude to Je-Ru's heart, and to mine. All of you are obviously among the
gems of humanity yourselves, blessed with great awareness, compassion, and
However, a few of you do not seem to be operating with complete information.
Several of your letters said things like "Mr. Hall may have made a serious
mistake, but he is otherwise a good man, and he does not deserve much
My good friends, Je-Ru Hall deserves ZERO punishment, because he never
committed any "mistake". Please do your research before assuming such a
thing about someone else. Je-Ru was neither lacking in honesty, ethics,
wisdom, or lawful compliance. He broke no laws, natural or manmade.
Neither the bank we co-directed, Sattva Investment Bank, nor its parent bank
and sponsor, First International Bank of Grenada (FB), were scams. Both were
honest, sincere, genuine, ethical, virtuous, beneficial, and lawful
Nor was FB a high risk gamble. Before we entered into contract with it to
start Sattva, we examined it and spoke with over a hundred other
professionals from all over the world -- lawyers, accountants, investors,
businessmen, investigators, insurance executives, bankers, and others --
-all of whom had done their own due diligence, and had come to their own
conclusions that FB's assets were genuine, its returns on investment were
authentic, its books were sound, its insurance was verified, and the
government of Grenada had only good things to say about it.
Further, all the existing customers and investors in FB whom we met were
getting their payments and were pleased. No one had lost any money.
I dare say that if you had seen what we saw, and learned what we learned,
you too would have wished to get involved . . . either to purchase a
Certificate of Deposit or to start your own sub-bank, as we did.
Its subtitle was "The Bank of World Peace", because like you, bringing world
peace and the Age of Enlightenment was our commitment.
My friends, starting Sattva Investment Bank in 1999, and managing it
sincerely and honestly for one year, was not bad karma; it was not a
mistake; and it was not a foolish or reckless risk.
If you want to know the truth of what really happened, please read the
research conducted by investigator Paul Collin at:
            (26 pages)
          (24 pages)
Some of you did write the opposite in your letters . . . confirming that you
Know without any shadow of a doubt that Je-Ru could not, would not, and did
not commit any legal or ethical "mistake". I wish to thank you deeply for
your wisdom, insight, courage, and support. You are absolutely correct.
To all of you, though, once again, your letters were wonderful. You are
helping to bring the healing, the justice, and the balance that society so
much needs, by your supportive letters.
It is also highly recommended to read the article "Guilty When Charged", by
Paul Craig Roberts, who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under
President Reagan. His credentials go on for a page and a half, and he says
our court system is corrupt.
Read his bio at
If you wonder how we could be 100% innocent and still be convicted and
sentenced to prison, read "Guilty When Charged" at: archives/articles/2005/12/22/213839.shtml -- and - roberts/roberts136.html
If you wish to know what more you can do to help, please go to
                                              Jai Guru Dev, With Love,
                                        for the Age of Enlightenment Now,
                                             Taansen Fairmont Sumeru

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