On May 7, 2009, at 8:07 PM, BillyG. wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_re...@...> wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge <no_reply@> wrote:

The Hindu
connection is purely "cultural" however: "The culture goes back
thousands of years, and it's nonsense to say that mantras are names of
gods - 100 percent absolute nonsense

-Imagine learning meditation in America and the name Jesus Christ is invoked in a ceremony ahead of time. Would the same thing be said about it being purely cultural?

Bobby's logic is not only weak, but he also insults Hindus at the same time.


Nonsense. Hindus can think what they like about anything, including the >>mantras used in TM, but the proper use of mantras during the practice of >>TM has nothing to do with meaning -- if it does, then one is not practicing >>TM. TM operates beyond the level of meaning, which is what enables one >>to transcend. Remaining on the thinking level, the level of meaning, would >>disallow transcendence.

I believe the mantra bija (seed) sounds are found on the petals of the chakras, each chakra has a deity associated with it, which is indistinguishable from the sounds emanating from it (the Deity), hence the sound and the Devata are the one and the same.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

Assuming this is true, one could make the parallel that the mantras are the names (or vibrations) of these Gods or Devatas. The issue as to the *use* of these vibrations or names is secondary to the issue as to whether or not the mantras and the 'names' are one and the same.

What Bob is missing is that the sound has an implicit meaning which, hopefully, collapses to a point and imprints itself on the subconscious mind. That the conscious mind may have no explicit meaning associated with the sound-sequence is actually irrelevant. The important thing is that the sound sequence unfolds a meaning from beyond the explicit realm of conscious thinking. It unfolds meaning at deeper levels of the mind--parts of the mind that are actually non- verbal. If mantras had no deeper meaning at finer levels of awareness, more often non-awareness, they'd essentially be "worthless". What Bob is deliberately ignoring is that the collapse of mental sounds gives rise to different, non-mental sounds. These sounds need not be attributed to "chakra petals" but instead it might be helpful to understand their origin, which is a process of seed (proto-mantra) emerging and giving birth to tree (the realm of manifested meaning and intelligence associated with that "seed"). It is the Law of Seed and Tree in actual (non-conventional) experience, bija-vraksha-nyaya. Meditation on mantra is actually the exact opposite of this law, it's the process of revelation or "seeing" of mantra, turned inwards. To ignore such deep meaning is to ignore the seer and revelation.

However in his case, it's institutionally imposed ignorance, institutionalized ignoring which he has consciously accepted as "true".

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