> > Yes Sal, you did say that and I found it quite amusing as well. 
> > What promted that comment was that I had mused at the
> > possability of a campaign between a Baptist minister,
> > Huckabee and a Muslim, Obama. Immediately, I was called
> > on the carpet for referring to Obama as a Muslim by Judy
> > becuase I knew good well he was a Christian and that I
> > was just trying to scare people. My response to Judy was
> > that just because he says He's a Christian didn't convince
> > me he was one. In all honesty I don't think he is really
> > a Christian or a Muslim, but what tickled me was a few
> > weeks later, Hillary made nearly the exact same comment
> > that I did, that she referred to Obama as a Muslim and
> > said that just because he says he is a Christian doesn't
> > necassrily mean he isn't a Muslim or is a Christian. But
> > yet Hillary wasn't accused of trying to scare people or
> > insiting Xenaphobia, to my knowledge.
> >
Judy wrote:
> She didn't say anything like that, Mike.
Yes, Hillary Clinton said something "like that".

"As far as I know." - Hillary Clinton

Apparently one of her staffers sent out an email
saying something like that.

The email was sent by someone identified only 
as "Judy"...


Obama has noted in his two books, "Dreams From My 
Father" and "The Audacity of Hope," that he spent 
two years in a Muslim school and another two years 
in a Catholic school while living in Indonesia from 
age 6 to 10. 


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