--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "guyfawkes91" <guyfawke...@...> wrote:
> > Seems to me the account-freezing is a good sign; it means
> > *somebody*, or a bunch of somebodies, who have power in
> > the movement want things cleared up, and have probably
> > wanted them cleared up for a while. It's not surprising
> > these folks wouldn't want to make public any findings that
> > would reflect poorly on MMY's family, so we probably
> > shouldn't expect transparency.
> > 
> > But if those somebodies have some integrity (yes, I know,
> > big If), with a little luck the way money is handled in
> > the movement may undergo some beneficial restructuring
> > (to stop the alleged bleeding, if nothing else).
> On the nail!
> Did you notice how the very last thing Maharishi did was to create the 
> Brahmanada Saraswati fund, with non-Indians at the top? Did you ever wonder 
> why he left it so late to set something like that up? The "somebodies" who 
> knew what was going on finally forced Maharishi to wise up to what had been 
> going on in India and to take steps to make sure that non-family members had 
> ultimate control.

My guess is that MMY had little to do with setting that Fund up.  I think those 
around him were just waiting for him to relinquish control (either MMY beame 
senile or said "you take over").  They had plans that they had long wanted to 
implement (including lowering the price of TM) as well as making the finances 
more honest.   My sense is that those at the top (yes, Bevan, JH, and Bobby 
Roth etc) all were devastated when MMY passed on, but also very ready with 
plans to change things and "make it right" now that they did not have to run 
everything by MMY and get outrageous answers to genuine concerns.
> Yes they do want to keep it quiet, because they don't want bad publicity, 
> especially if it meant that some people might get prosecuted, and more 
> urgently to make sure that the donation money keeps on flowing. Why do you 
> think there's been such a big show on the Brahmasthan in India recently? They 
> have to show that the money is producing something not just disappearing like 
> it had been in the past.  
> Integrity isn't something the movement is familiar with, but they are having 
> to learn it now that finance is drying up and people are asking questions. 
> The best thing would be to have an independent audit of the whole operation 
> and put people behind bars if need be. That would be a complete break with 
> the past and would give people more confidence in future. Cover ups usually 
> turn out worse than the crime.

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