Bruce Cockburn talks about his songwriting and its relationship to his view of spirituality, but he could just as easily be talking about Fairfield Life. The insight about "tending to cause damage," and having that as your baseline intent, could not be more right on to describe FFL lately.
>From an excellent interview with Jambase magazine, full text for any interested at: <> Yeah, I guess if there's one unifying thing I've picked up on about your music as a long-time listener is it's about life, it's about being engaged with things and sometimes in a very earthy way, which wins you points with me. Sometimes it's downright smutty! I think it's just about truth, and not wanting to sound pompous, it's about the human experience, what we are. And we are creatures of the flesh and we have the capacity to comprehend a larger reality than our senses can encompass but we feel is there. At some point in the future scientists may discover what spirituality really is, and if they do it's going to look something like capitalism [laughs]. I think there's going to be all kinds of mysterious strains in there, maybe reducible to numbers, maybe not. To me, that's at the core of everything. There's a tendency to divorce the physical aspects of humanity from the spiritual aspects. It's unfortunate. The senses may lie and do from time to time but they always connect us to a bigger reality. And by senses I include whatever we consider to be extrasensory, too. I think that's just a word for senses we don't have a proper name for, but the capacity for feeling that bigger reality exists in all of us. In different ways, to different degrees, it gets expression in often radically different languages, and that expression suffers badly from the attempt to detach it from the flesh. When you take those two things away from each other they're both going to suffer. There's no question of that, and you're probably going to go out and make someone else suffer, too! So true! When we carry some big wound or detachment in us there's a tendency to cause damage around us. Bruce Cockburn by Kevin Kelly We project it out and blame other people for it. We blame Jews or we blame Communists or we blame Muslims or they blame Christians. It's all bullshit! It's all about projection of that interior wound.