No worries Dick. Mindfulness Meditation, the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 8-week course and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) are available already in most US medical centers and many hospitals very inexpensively or on a sliding scale. MBCT is already covered by insurance companies in Europe for depression (e.g. the UK) and some here in the US. They also have much peer-reviewed science and widely published research to support their widespread use and efficacy.

For those interested in just instruction in deep meditation, a 10-day residential course is given on a donation basis, worldwide. See for more information.

Please pass this on to all your contacts. Thanks in advance. Peace.

On May 21, 2009, at 4:52 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

Dear friends,

Concerning the message I sent earlier today about TM and health insurance, I have just learned that my source, who usually just passes on official announcements, did not have the complete story this time. There apparently are some promising pilot programs to explore how funding of TM could work, but nothing like a program of private reimbursement yet. Sorry for the false lead. I'll let you know as soon as I hear something more definite and more official.

On the other hand, with the growing pressure on insurance companies to finally start reining in costs, this move should be a no- brainer. (We must assume they have brains.)

The other items about the training program for health professionals and the family chat link are still valid, of course.

May you enjoy perfect health!

Jai Guru Dev

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