--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunsh...@...> wrote:
> Edg has one of the most commonly occurring illnesses
> affecting those retirees bored to tears, Vaj:  a chronic and usually
> incurable condition known as Verbal Diarrhea, or in the case of
> people who can't stop typing, Keyboardus Boringitis
> Maximus.  This condition usually
> manifests itself in incomprehensible, long-winded diatribes that spew  
> forth
> from the sufferer's keyboard, usually without regard to the fact
> that almost nobody actually *reads* said tracts, and always with
> regard to the fact that by the end of said tracts, the sufferer
> is so bored himself (or herself, as the case may be) with his own
> nonsense that he has totally blanked out on what the original
> point was, and hence keeps typing away aimlessly.
> There is so far no known cure for this sad condition, but there
> is one upside (so to speak): it works as an excellent sleeping
> pill for those unfortunates (or saints, depending
> on your POV) who might actually attempt to
> make sense of one of these tracts, rather than simply
> yawning and pressing the delete button.
> Sal

Is that so? 


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